Thursday, February 18, 2021


Nellie was one of the seven children of Julia and John Michael O'Brien. She was born on 21 July 1892 and raised in Tallawang where her father was a teacher for 28 years. After John Michael retired the family relocated to Marrickville and lived at 41 Robert Street.

Nellie O'Brien

Nellie with her sister-in-law, Grace, January 1949

Grace, John and Auntie Nellie, January 1949

Back row: John and Nellie O'Brien
Front row: Grace O'Brien nee Morris, Julia O'Brien nee O'Connell, Barbara/Colleen? and Kathleen O'Brien

Nellie at the beach with her nieces Colleen and Barbara

Nellie died at the age of 56 in 1949. She is buried at Rookwood Cemetery with her mother.

Ellen O'Brien's headstone.
Catholic Cemetery, Rookwood. Mortuary No 2. Section 11, No 1173

Family Notices
O'BRIEN, Ellen. August 19 1949 at her residence 41 Robert Street Marrickville, Ellen O Brien dearly loved daughter of John Michael and Julia Therese O'Brien. Requiescat in pace. Privately interred Catholic Cemetery Rookwood August 22 1949