Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Eugene Terence O'Brien

Born 1890 in Gulgong
Son of John M. O'Brien and Julia T. O'Connell
Brother of Ellen O'Brien, Thomas O'Brien, Wilfred O'Brien, Charles S. O'Brien, Kathleen M. O'Brien and John P. O'Brien
Husband of Doreen Madsen — married 1931 in Marrickville
Children: Barbara O'Brien (born 1932) and Colleen O'Brien (born 1934)
Died 8th March 1955 in Marrickville

Eugene O'Brien, date unknown

The following newspaper articles about Eugene are from the TROVE archive.

The usual fortnightly meeting of the Tallewang Debating Society eventuated on Saturday night last, and was largely attended. The subject for debate was “Total Prohibition v. Continuance of the Liquor Bars.” Much, amusement was afforded by the speakers. It was decided to obtain prizes and hold a euchre tournament on the evening of the next meeting. The arrangements were left in the capable hands of Mr. E. O'Brien.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 16 May 1912

The Tallewang Debating Club held its euchre tournament on the evening of the 25th instant, at the residence of Mr. W. J. Copelin. It was a great success as eight or ten new members joined and a very enjoyable evening was spent by the players. The first prize for ladies was secured by Miss Caroline O'Connor, of Green Hills. First honors, for gents fell to Mr. W. Collins. while the booby was easily annexed by Mr. W. J. Copelin. This last-mentioned prize consisted of the usual dose for a bachelor — a miniature doll. Mr. Eugene O'Brien had charge of the tables and gave general satisfaction. The subject set down for next debate is 'Women's Suffrage.'
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 30 May 1912 

Eugene's brother Thomas O'Brien was killed in the war in 1916.

The sad news came to band this week that Pte T. O'Brien, son of Mr. J. M. O'Brien, of the Canimbla public school, was killed in action in France recently.
Source: Cowra Free Press (NSW : 1911 - 1921) Wednesday 6 September 1916 

1930 - MASKED HOLD-UP - Man Forced To Hand Over Money
While on his way home about 11.50 p.m.. Eugene O'Brien, of Robert-street. Marrickville, was bailed up in Arthur st. near Livingstone-road. As he was walking past a motor car containing four men, which was standing near the foot path, one of the occupants, who was wearing a black mask, jumped out, and presenting a revolver at O'Brien, said: 'Put up your hands, and hand over all you've got.' O'Brien said. 'You can have all I've got,' and look 6/- from his pocket, which he handed to the thugs. The latter said. 'Stand where you are, or I'll drill you.' to which O'Brien replied, 'Drill me If you like. You've got all I have and I'm going.' He then walked off and the bandits jumped into the car, which made on at a fast pace.
Jumping out of a motor car in Allen street, Marrickville, a man with a black handkerchief over the lower part of his face bailed up Eugene O'Brien, of Robert-street, Marrickville, at revolver-point, saying, 'Put up your hands and give me all you've got.' O'Brien gave the robber 6s, all he had, and the man jumped back into the car in which three others were sitting and drove away.

Source: The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1950) Saturday 15 November 1930 

1931 - St. Brigid's Annual Ball. - MARRICKVILLE TOWN HALL CROWDED
The twelfth annual Ball of St. Brigid's parish, Marrickville, took place in the local Town Hall on Monday, July 13th, and there was an attendance of 300 dancers. Brightly colored streamers decorated the main hall, and the music was supplied by Reg. Donohoe's orchestra. ... The supper tables were decorated with narrow centre bands of emerald green, and the floral arrangements were carried out in Iceland poppies. ...
Miss M. Madsen, wearing lemon georgette and Mrs E O'Brien attended the event.  

Source: Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932) Thursday 23 July 1931 p 34 Article 

1931 - Weddings. O ' Brien — Madsen.
A pretty wedding was celebrated at St. Brigid's Church, Marrickville, on Saturday, 18th inst., when Doreen, eldest daughter of Mrs. E. Madsen and the late Martin Madsen, was married to Eugene, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J.O'Brien, of Marrickville. Rev. Father Gerard, C.P. solemnised the marriage.

Entering the church on the arm of her brother, Mr. Kevin Madsen, the young bride looked striking in her beautiful gown of white chenille and plain georgette. The beautiful Honiton lace veil, lent by Mrs. J. P. Minogue of Marrickville, was lined with tulle, the headdress being a coronet of orange blossoms.
The bridesmaids were the Misses Madeleine and Ella Madsen (sisters of the bride) and Miss Kathleen O'Brien (sister of the bridegroom), all three choosing frocks of delphinium blue georgette, cut on long Grecian lines, and wore large blue tulle picture hats. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. John O'Brien as best man, and Messrs. Wilfred O'Brien and Harry Child as groomsmen. The 'Wedding March' was played by Miss Veronica Acton, who later during the signing of the register, accompanied Mr. Alfred Peel's rendition of Luzzi's 'Ave Maria.'

The reception was held at the Cavalier, King street, where the bride's mother, assisted by the mother of the bridegroom, received the guests. On leaving by the Orara for Coolangatta, where the honeymoon will be spent, the bride chose a black and white pencil stripe ensemble, with velour hat to tone, the toilette being completed with a beautiful set of stonemartens, the gift of the bridegroom. The crowded church, together with the numerous congratulatory messages and costly gifts received, amply testified the esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Eugene O'Brien are held. The future home of the happy couple will be at Marrickville.

Source: The Catholic Press (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1942) Thursday 30 April 1931 p 10 Article 

O'BRIEN (nee Doreen Madsen).—May 9, at Walmer private hospital. Marrickville, to Mr. and Mrs. E. O'Brien—a daughter (Barbara Ann).

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Saturday 14 May 1932 p 12

The State Assembly ballroom and the corridor outside were not nearly big enough to hold the crowd which gathered at the insistence of St. Brigid's, Marrickville, Younger Set, when they organised a dance in aid of the school building fund on Monday evening... Miss Madeline Madsen, wearing beige chiffon and lace, brought along Mr and Mrs E O'Brien...

Source: Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932) Thursday 29 September 1932 p 24

One of a set of photos of Goodiman taken by Eugene during a visit in 1939.

Eugene O'Brien at Goodiman Shearing Shed, 1939
Source: Photo by Grace O'Brien

THE first parish ball for 13 years was held by St. Brigid's parish, Marrickville, at the Marrickville Town Hall recently.
Pride of place in the ballroom, which was decorated spectacularly with spring blossoms, was occupied by a statue of Our Lady of. Fatima. Outstanding event of the evening was the presentation of debutantes to the Right Rev. Monsignor J. P. Rafferty, P.P., Mrs. J. A. Kennedy being matron of honor. The eight debutantes were first presented to Monsignor Rafferty, then, leaving their bouquets at the foot of Our Lady's statue, they all dedicated themselves to her. The special prayer for the occasion was composed by the parish priest, the Very Rev. Father Lawrence, C.P.
Debutantes were Misses Betty Stack. Joan Woulfe, Shirley Thomas, Esther Woulfe, Patricia McKeon, Mary Castensen, Joan, Cavanagh and Barbara O'Brien. ...Mr and Mrs E OBrien [attended]...The younger set were represented by Mr. B. Higgensbotham, Mr. Hendersen, Miss Joan Cavanagh. and Miss Barbara O'Brien, who all entertained parties.

Source: Catholic Weekly (Sydney, NSW : 1942 - 1954) Thursday 5 October 1950 p 2 Article 

Mr. Eugene O'Brien, of Sydney, arrived, in town last Friday to stay a week with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. O'Brien of 'Goodiman'.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 28 June 1951 p 19 Article
The death occurred in Sydney last week end of Mrs. Julia T. O'Brien, relict of the late Mr. O'Brien. Deceased, who was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Terence O'Connell was born at Burrendong and had resided in the Gulgong district for many years. Deepest, sympathy is extended to the family who survive: Messrs. Eugene O'Brien, Charles O'Brien, John O'Brien (all of Sydney), Wilfred O'Brien ('Goodiman', Gulgong) and Miss Kathleen O'Brien (Sydney). 

Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 13 September 1951 p 17 Article 

Mr. Eugene O'Brien returned to Sydney last Monday after holidaying with his brother, Mr. W. O'Brien and Mrs. O'Brien, of 'Goodiman.' 

Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 12 June 1952 p 17 Article 

NINE debutantes were presented to His Lordship Bishop Lyons at the St. Brigid's Parish annual ball at the Marrickville Town Hall recently...
Premier. Mr. J. J. Cahill, and Mrs. Cahill; the Consul General for Italy, Dr. Nicholas Simone, and Mme Simone; Dr. and Mrs. T. R Quinn, Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Kennedy, Dr. and Mrs. D. Quirk, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sutherland and Mrs. C. Lazzarini. Mr. and Mrs. D. Dillon and Miss C. O'Brien entertained a large party. Guests included Miss M. Fisher, Miss B. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cunneen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Heron, Mr. and Mrs. K. Herron, Miss M. Burke, and Mr. J. Bourke. Mrs. Dillon wore a gown of ice blue satin while Miss O'Brien's choice was pink french faille. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stack and Mr. and Mrs. G. Duggan received guests in a joint party: they were Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen, Miss B. Stack, Mr. P. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnstone. Miss M. Monahan (from Katoomba), Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchelle, Miss K. Peel, Miss M. Murray and Miss M. Ruby.  
Guests included in the party entertained by Mr. and Mrs. B. Folkes were Mr. and Mrs. E. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. R. McNamara, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fahey. Other parties were entertained by Misses Margaret and Mary Cahill, Mr. Jim Carr, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelleher and the Catholic Youth Organisation which numbered 60 young people, including Miss Pat Riley, who wore a gown of black jersey featuring a jewelled yoke, and Mr. J. Riley. Ladies of the committee were responsible for the many beautiful decorations.  
Source: Catholic Weekly (Sydney, NSW : 1942 - 1954) Thursday 26 June 1952 p 17 Article
Mr. and Mrs. W. O'Brien, of 'Goodiman', left for Sydney last week to attend the Sydney (Royal) Show to re turn this week accompanied: by the former's brother, Mr. Eugene O'Brien, who is convalescing after an illness of some months.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 9 April 1953 p 19 Article
When Mr. and Mrs. W. O'Brien returned from Sydney to 'Goodiman' last week they were accompanied by the former's brother, Mr. Eugene O'Brien, who is convalescing after, an illness.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 16 April 1953 p 17 Article
Mr. Eugene O'Brien returned to Sydney last Wednesday after recuperating for some weeks at 'Goodiman'.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 7 May 1953 p 17 Article

Headstone of Eugene and Doreen O'Brien
Catholic Cemetery, Rookwood. Mortuary No 2. Section 11, No 1174