Friday, June 11, 2021



1902 - James Loneragan, Ltd., Gulgong.
Mr. Loneragan and Mr. J. D. Parker returned from Gulgong on Saturday evening, stock taking at the Commercial Warehouse having been completed, and the business finally taken over from Mr. C. R. Young. This marks the biggest business transaction seen in this district for many a long day, and we again express the hope that Mr. Loneragan's venture will prove a good one, and that Mr. Young will enjoy many years of well-deserved leisure. His departure from Gulgong will be a great loss to that town, for he has ever been a warm supporter of every movement which had for its object the moral or material advancement of the district, and a declared opponent of cliquism and strife.
This morning Mr. Parker has returned to Gulgong, and tomorrow the whole business will be reopened under his management. His familiar presence will be much missed from the Church-street store, and Mudgee can ill afford to lose so popular a citizen and such a keen and upright business man. He goes to the command of a great enterprise, taking with him a staff largely of his own choosing, and schooled in the methods of the firm which has built up such a great business in Mudgee! To Mr. Parker and his staff we offer our best wishes, and feel sure that our confident hopes of success will be fully realized.

The Loneragan's building in 1897 when it was Mr C R Young's General Store.

Approaching Loneragan's Corner, year unknown

Loneragan's Gulgong, about 1905.
The girl on the left (above) is Clarice Brigden, Daughter of Edward and Jane Brigden (nee Saunders). The family-owned Brigden's Hotel, now The Prince of Wales Hotel.

Loneragan's as  Ford Agency 1920

Loneragan's Gulgong, 1966

Loneragan's Gulgong, 1968

Loneragan's Gulgong, 1970s
Source: Peter Martin

Loneragan's Gulgong, 1979
Source: Photo by John Kich

1938 Loneragan's ad, Gulgong Advertiser

Loneragans' staff (out back)
Source: Roberta Sigston
See more in Hasenkam
Loneragans' staff (out back)
Source: Roberta Sigston
See more in Hasenkam

Doug Hughes, Rita Ryan, Kevin Keyssecker, Alex Hughes, Colin Comer, Helen Hughes, Harold Adams. Loneragan's Grocery Dept, about 1950

Ted Rowlands, Alex Hughes, John Martin, Darcy Martin, Colin Comer, Beresford Dalleymore. Loneragan's Grocery Dept. about 1955.

Loneragan's White Goods Department about 1959.
Noel Baldwin and Reg Wright

Interior, Loneragan's Gulgong

Les Glazier and Doug Hughes. Loneragan's Gulgong Spare Parts Dept.

Colin Hughes and Kevin Ryan. Menswear Dept. Loneragan's Gulgong. 1955

Loneragan's "Coronation" sale catalogue. 1910
Click on the image above to see inside the catalogue (via State Library website)



Celebrations of the founding of Mudgee were held in March, 1921, so the town is 127 years of age. There is some doubt as to the first white man actually to reach the land where the town stands although a local memorial was erected to “Commemorate the achievement of Lieutenant William Lawson, who was the first to traverse the site of Mudgee and to explore the country beyond, and also James Blackman, Superintendent of Bathurst, who first discovered the Cudgegong River and traced its course to the vicinity of the town.”

Mudgee is famous for its fine Merino wool, and the Australian history of this industry is interwoven largely with the story of the district. Many well-known sheep stations are located here and the flocks which they have produced have influenced sheep breeding since the very early days.

The firm of James Loneragan (Mudgee) Co. Pty. Ltd. came into existence through the opening up of the goldfields in the Gulgong-Mudgee districts, which was followed by the extension of the railway from Wallerawang to Mudgee and beyond. The late James Loneragan opened his first store in Wallerawang which supplied horse and bullock teams with all the needs of a mining community.

His next venture was a store in Lithgow which he eventually sold out, and is now owned by Bracey’s Ltd. He then opened a store in Mudgee. His initial effort was very much of a modest nature, but through his personality and hard work, he was able to build a very solid business. This in time he passed on to his son, Edward Loneragan, who is now retired. The firm and its subsidiary companies are now managed by the five grandsons.

The business covers an extensive field of merchandise—farm machinery, motor cars, building materials, general produce, hardware, soft goods, furniture, wearing apparel, food goods—practically everything that is needed by a pastoral and agricultural community. The firm employs a wide range of skilled men and women each specialising in their own section of duties. The ground footage of the premises is recognised as the largest outside Sydney, with each department designed in accordance with the type of merchandise on modern lines.

Mining is still an important industry for the district. Apart from the initial 40 tons of gold mined in the ten years following the rush of 1870 gold is still to be found in the area. In addition, cement, lime, dolomite, granite, marble, shale (for crude oil and petrol) are mined. Throughout the years the district of Mudgee has been faithfully served by James Loneragan & Co. Methods of buying and distribution of goods have made tremendous changes during the life of the company, but it has always kept abreast of them and in so doing has played its part in developing this important region of New South Wales.


Loneragan's Service Station

William Henry Keyssecker at Loneragan's Petrol Station, about 1956
Source: Anne McAlpine

Douglass Hughes. About 1950.



Brown’s Store
June 20 1902
To Let
those Commodious Premises
known as Brown’s Store,
Mayne Street—
contact CR Young,

Commercial Hotel
Commercial Warehouse
CR Young

April 18 1902

The Commercial Warehouse has changed hands—the new proprietor is Mr James Loneragan—he has a splendid business. What a clearing out there will be when the Young Family depart from Gulgong.

April 25 1902

THE COMMERCIAL WAREHOUSE is now closed. The new proprietor and his many employees are taking stock of the immense and well-filled departments. This work will probably take a couple of weeks. When that part of the business has been finished the Warehouse will re-open under the new management. Many of the hands to be employed are from Mudgee and bear excellent names as salesmen. We hope Mr Loneragan will be as successful at the Corner as Mr CR Young, the late holder of the reins.

May 2 1902

Commercial Enterprise—The somewhat unexpected development in connection with the proprietary of the Commercial Warehouse goes to show what an immense industry or trade may be built up by any man who is possessed of sufficient vitality. Thirty two years ago Mr CR Young came to Gulgong and erected a stringybark building on the land in Mayne Street where the ironmongery and agricultural implement department now stands. His next venture in store building was in wood. In these premises he built up a great concern, In 1896 he purchased the corner containing the old Albion Hotel and very shortly afterwards commenced the erection of the present magnificent Warehouse. Notwithstanding the fact that the floor space is something enormous, the building is so constructed that new floors may be added without the smallest interference with the daily routine of the place. About the time that Mr Young commenced to extend in this town Mr James Loneragan was setting a similar example in Mudgee. About three years ago Mr Loneragan turned his business into a registered company with a limited liability. Since then he has reached out in a brilliant manner. By his purchase of the Commercial of Gulgong the firm at once becomes the greatest universal provider west of the mountains. To the general store-keeping portion of this mammoth business must be added the flour milling, wool, skin and grain buying departments. In these alone, many tens of thousands of pounds are turned over every year. These businesses in themselves are a tribute to the solidity and progress of the district


May 9 1902

The Commercial Warehouse under the title of Jas. Loneragan Ltd was opened on Wednesday, May 7 1902.

May 23 1902

Mr Alex Lowe Mudgee’s premier sign writer was out during the week on business—painting a splendid sign at the Commercial Warehouse which is a grand piece of workmanship.

July 4 1902

At Loneragan’s Ltd Gulgong, just now trade is very brisk and under the able management of Mr Jas Parker this business is sure to prosper. Mr Baldwin who is travelling for the firm of Loneragan’s is sure to do well wherever he goes.

August 15 1902

Mr James Barr, employee of the Loneragan’s Gulgong is reported to be ill in Mudgee.

October 24 1902

Mr Dan Donovan who has had control of the produce department at Loneragan’s since the opening is to return to Mudgee to take charge of the same department at the Mudgee’s firm. Mr George Gunnell is to replace Mr Donovan

October 31 1902

Mr James Barr has taken the place of Mr Baldwin who is back in Mudgee.

TO LET—Loneragan’s Ltd have for rent a house in Bayly Street, former home of Mrs Falconer, containing 9 rooms and a lumber room for moderate rent.