Monday, July 26, 2021


1954 - P and C Assn. Favours "Education Week" Programme
At the monthly meeting of the Gulgong Central School Parents' and Citizens' Association at the Gulgong Central School on Thursday night last, presided over by the Association's new president, Mr. C. W. Forlonge, it was unanimously decided to support the 'Education Week' committees programme.
It was decided to make sufficient materials available to the children to enable them all to compete in the Poster Competitions in connection with the celebrations.
One of the Association members on the 'Education Week' committee reported the suggested items of the week's programme which consisted of Special Sunday Services in all churches, a film evening on the Monday at the Roxy Theatre on Educational subjects, open days at the schools on Tuesday and Friday, a sports day on the Thursday between the Central and Convent Schools, culminating in a procession of the pupils of both schools to Coronation Park in Mayne Street, where addresses will be delivered by prominent citizens, and the winners of the Poster and other literary competitions will be presented with their prizes. The competitions are open to all schools in the district.
The action of the president, hon. secretary (Mr. A. J. Brigden) and the headmaster in promising a guarantee of £12 on behalf of the Association towards the staging of an exhibition of nationwide folk dancing, was endorsed by the meeting. It was pointed out that the Association is always anxious to extend the culture side of the child's education.

Education Week at Coronation Park, Gulgong, 1954
Barbara Gurney receiving an award for poetry.
Source: Barbara Gurney

"Education Week" in Gulgong was a Great Success
"Education Week" in Gulgong came to a successful conclusion on Friday afternoon, August 20. It ended after a procession of children from both the Central and Convent Schools to Coronation Park in Mayne Street was followed by a prize-giving ceremony.

A large number of parents and friends attended this brief, but impressive, ceremony, which was opened by the chairman of the "Education Week" Committee, Rev. S. Carr. Guest of honor was the President of Gulgong Shire Council (Cr. D. McGrath), who gave an inspiring address to the children and adults, and immediately afterwards presented the prizes to the winners of the competitions organised by the Committee.
Other highlights of the "Week" were the Special Church Services held on the Opening Day, Sunday 16th August; Picture Night on Monday; open days at the Central School; display of school work by the Central School in one of Loneragan's show windows in Mayne Street. A physical culture display was held at the Central School on the Tuesday.

The main activity, however, was the publication of a Special Magazine, which was devoted almost entirely to contributions from the children: of the town and district. The magazine drew a round of praise from people far and wide. It is interesting to note that the magazine was financed entirely by donations from the town and district. A nominal charge of 1/6 per copy was made.
Prize winners of the competitions were: —
Essay Competition
Gulgong Central School: Secondary, Eunice Thompson; Primary, B. P. Barnes and Carole Peel.
All Hallows' School: Secondary, Jean Ryan; Primary, Michael Loneragan.
Short Story: Secondary, Judith Croome; Primary, B. P. Barnes.
Poetry: Secondary, T. Reddish; Primary, Barbara Gurney.
Poster Competition.
Over 12 years: J. Williams 1, L. Lee 2. Under 12 years: B. Gardiner 1, M. Loneragan 2.
A special consolation prize was awarded to Gwen Ellis.
Mr. Kevin Archer; was hon. secretary to the committee, carrying out his duties in a satisfactory manner.