Friday, November 25, 2022


Father John O'Donovan and James Dillon, teacher, Catholic Church, Gulgong

Previously titled: Bishop of Bathurst, Rev. S.E. Marsden, visits Catholic Church, Gulgong
Source: Information on Father O'Donovan supplied by Baldwin & Davis, Research Gulgong (Aug 2006)

Father O'Donovan and men outside Blackman & Conway, auctioneers & commission agents, Gulgong, 1872

Probably William Blackman to the right of Father O'Donovan; he can also be seen second from the right (having put his coat on) in Home & away - 38708 & 38709
Source: Information supplied by Baldwin & Davis, Research Gulgong (Aug 2006)

Note: This cropped version of the photo was previously captioned as "The Bishop of Bathurst, The Rt. Rev. S. E. Marsden (the grandson of his better-known namesake), on a pastoral tour to Gulgong, autumn, 1871."
Source: Trove

1871 - The Bishop of Bathurst (Dr. Marsden) is to visit Dubbo on the 22nd instant, when the foundation stone of a new church is to be laid. He will subsequently visit other townships in the more northerly parts of his diocese [possibly Gulgong].

1871 - The Bishop of Bathurst at Gulgong.
The Guardian states: — Yesterday the Roman Catholic Bishop of Bathurst, the Right Rev: Dr. Quinn, visited Gulgong. He was accompanied by the Very Rev. Tennyson Woods, Vicar-General of Adelaide, author of Geological Observations in South Australia, History of Discovery and Exploration of Australia, several papers in the Australasian, on scientific subjects, and numerous other works. We understand that the Vicar General is on a tour of inspection as to the working of the school system in vogue in this colony. Accompanied by the Rev. Father O'Donovan, and Mr. J. F. Plunkett, J.P., the reverend gentlemen have visited several points of interest on the field, expressing themselves much pleased with the signs of progress observable throughout the district.

1871 - Sunday at Gulgong.
Services of an interesting character were held on Sunday, by the Catholic, Anglican and Presbyterian denominations. The visit of Dr. Marsden, Bishop of Bathurst, was an event of considerable interest, and the Presbyterians were favoured with the offices of Rev. Mr. Craig, who, it is said, may be permanently engaged.
Source: The Newcastle Chronicle (NSW : 1866 - 1876) Thu 9 Nov 1871 Page 3

1875 - GULGONG. December 2.
CONFIRMATION.— The Bishop of Bathurst (Mr. Marsden) held a confirmation service and preached in the Court-house here on Monday evening last. He left Gulgong for Biraganbil and Guntawang on Tuesday morning - being, while here, the guest of the owners, the Messrs. Rouse. The Bishop held a confirmation at Guntawang in the evening, returning to Bathurst via Mudgee and Rylestone on Wednesday.

Father (later Monsignor) Long, in his Gulgong days.