Wednesday, August 23, 2023


1856 - [FLOOD]
Mudgee, 1st September—For the last few days we have had heavy rains in the district, and the Cudgegong River is flooded — the water higher than it has been for the last four years...
A report has reached town this morning that a man and his wife, living on the Cudgegoug River, below Mr. Rouse's, at Guntawang, in endeavouring to cross the river, have been washed away.
Another individual, named Harvey, has been missing since Friday last, and it is supposed that he also, has been drowned. These are sad and distressing events.

1857 - The Mudgee River Diggings.
It may not be known to many of our readers that from Guntawang, fifty miles down the Mudgee River, gold is being found in large quantities. There certainly are not at present many diggers at work, but we have been assured that, if a sufficient number of people arrive to test the ground, these diggings will turn out to be second to none in the colony. About fifty persons are at work on the river five miles below Guntawang and we are credibly informed that the whole of them earn from fifteen shillings to a pound per day. The sinking is not more than twelve feet, and in some places surfacing is going on. Stores are plentiful—Mudgee Newspaper.

Between Guntawang and Mr. Lahy's farm, gold has been procured in paying quantities, by one individual during the whole winter, who, a few days since, discovered a nugget of considerable size and value. On Mr. Lahy's own farm, at about one and a-half mile from his own residence, a specimen was picked up the other day of about three pennyweights ; a dish of stuff washed on the spot produced heavy specks of the size of buck shot. Another spot is also spoken of somewhere in the direction of Guntawang, which is pronounced to be very rich, but the locality is not yet pointed out ; the discoverer, we hear, will not reveal his secret for less than £100.

1859 - [DROWNING]
A fatal accident has occurred at Guntawang. As two parties were fishing in the big water hole, between Cloudy Bay and Guntawang, the canoe in which they were was accidently capsized, and one of the parties, who goes by the name of " Stephe," although a good swimmer, was drowned, by getting entangled in the weeds.