Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Emil Hohnhorst was born in Germany to Henner Gerhard and Helene Hohnhorst in about 1868. He married Lillian Elizabeth Stott in 1902 (NSW BDM 6793/1902). Their children, all born in Gugong, included:
  • Hinrich Gerhard - born 1904 (NSW BDM 3426/1904); died 1981 (NSW BDM 20343/1981)
  • Florence H - born 1905 (NSW BDM 23484/1905); married Christopher Griffin in 1927 (NSW BDM 9364/1927); died 
  • Henny - born 1907 (NSW BDM 13729/1907); married John Peter Griffin (NSW BDM 5162/1941); Henny died 31 Dec 1980 at age 73 in Dubbo (Wikitree)
  • Sarah A - born 1908 (NSW BDM 14508/1908); died 1908 (NSW BDM 5663/1908)
  • Make - born 1911 (NSW BDM 16227/1911); died 1911 (NSW BDM 5883/1911)
Emil Karl Franz Hohnhorst died in Gulgong in 1948 (NSW BDM 10188/1948). Lillian E Hohnhorst nee Stott (daughter of George and Sarah A Stott) died in 1923 in Gulgong (NSW BDM 2903/1923).


1902 - [BUILDING]

Mr. Emil Hohnhorst has completed the erection of a stable and buggy shed in place of the old fire engine station. The new buildings will be used by the Police Department.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 6 Feb 1902 Page 10

1902 - [MARRIAGE]
Emil Hohnhorst, one of Gulgong's Premier builders, was married to Miss L. Stott one evening last week. He has gone on a trip to Germany, and will return in a few months time, when he will no doubt again settle in the town that has given him so much work.

Emil Karl Franz Hohnhorst from Germany naturalized on 25 Aug 1903.
Source: Naturalization Index 1834-1903 Item No: [4/1216] | Page No: 297 | Reel No: 140

1921 - Birriwa.
Mr N. Seis, Birriwa, is erecting a fine, large seven-roomed cottage at his homestead. The building will be a credit to him when it is finished. Mr. E. Hohnhorst, Gulgong, is the contractor.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Mon 18 Apr 1921 Page 7

For having missed two days' parade, Henry Hohnhorst, of Gulgong (N.S.W.) was ordered into camp for 14 days. Just before going, he received an urgent message stating that his mother was going under a serious operation, and that he was to come home at once. He was refused permission to do so. On arrival at the camp in Sydney, he was told nothing could be done that night. The officer was not at the camp the next day, so he could not get away. He then wrote asking for the operation to be postponed, if possible, but his letter was detained in the camp, and did not reach its destination for a week. In the meantime his, mother had died.
Before passing away, Mrs. Hohnhorst asked for her only son, and when told he was not there, she collapsed and passed away.

1923 - Death at Gulgong
The death took place in the Gulgong Hospital on Monday evening last of Mrs. E. Hohnhorst, aged 44 years. The deceased lady was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Stott. She was born at Canadian and lived in the district all her life. Her illness commenced some four or five years ago, but her sufferings were greater during the last few months. She decided to have an operation performed which seemed her only chance of relief. Everything possible was done for her, but the undertaking was too great, and she passed away. The news of her death, which was not at all expected, caused heartfelt sympathy throughout the district. The deceased lady was well known throughout the district, and was highly esteemed. She leaves a husband, two daughters, and a son to mourn. She also leaves the following brothers and sisters:— Edward, Bert. and William (Gulgong), Charles (Mudgee), Mrs J. A. Allardice (Prahran, Melbourne), and step-sister, Mrs J. Thomas (Auburn). 
The funeral took place on Wednesday morning, and was well attended. The remains were laid to rest in the Church of England portion of the general cemetery. Rev. C. J. Allen officiating Mr. S. J. L. Turner had charge of the funeral arrangements. To the sorrowing members of the family we extend our very deepest sympathy.

Correspondence - From E. Hohnhorst, 'East Star,' Gulgong, re road near old Star mine.— Work to be done.
  •  Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) 
  •  Thu 14 Apr 1927 
  •  Page 33

  • 1928 - [VISIT]
    Constable Chris. Griffin and Mrs. Griffin, of Tumbarumba, are spending a holiday in Gulgong as the guest of Mrs. Griffin's father, Mr. E. Hohnhorst. Both are natives of Gulgong and are well and favorably
    Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 1 Nov 1928 Page 5

    The engineer reported as follows:
    Re water at Reedy Creek— As instructed, a notice has been placed at Jackson's Crossing of Reedy Creek on the Barney's Reef Road cautioning persons to boil the water before use.
    Mr E. Hohnhorst's application to put drain along road. — I recommend that your Council, do not give its assent to this proposal because if carried out it would divert some of the surface water from its natural course.

    1936 - [BUILDING]
    Mr. E. Hohnhorst, of Gulgong, is erecting a house in Mudgee to the order of his son, Mr. H. Hohnhorst, who is connected with the Railway Department in Mudgee.

    E. Hohnhorst presented a petition signed by 84 people protesting against the action of the Railway Construction Works (Eastern Section) in fencing off a road and not putting in a crossing.
    It was resolved to make an inspection of the site in conjunction with Mr. Hohnhorst and the engineer-in-charge of the works.
    Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 21 Jan 1937 Page 18

    1939 - TOWN COUNCIL
    E. Hohnhorst drew the council's attention to the road on the eastern side in front of the railway gates as far as the eastern end of the carriage sheds, which, he said, was in a shocking condition and full of holes, which should be ploughed and graded. Mr Hohnhorst also referred to water-washed gutters below Mrs McManus' and several places and the causeway being In a bad way at the junction of the municipality.

    1940 - WEDDING
    The marriage was celebrated at St Matthew's Church, Manly, on July 29, by the Rev. Ebbs, of Ella Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hore, "Bowen Villa," Wymah, and Henry, only son of Mr. and the late Mrs. E. Hohnhorst, Gulgong.
    The bride, who was attended by her sister, Pegg, as bridesmaid, pinned a spray of orchids and forget-me-nots on a dusky rose ensemble and wore burgundy accessories The bridesmaid wore a Monaro blue ensemble and navy accessories, on which she pinned a spray of cyclamen stocks and daphne.
    The best man was Mr. Fred Payne, of Albury. A surprise dinner was arranged by friends of the bride at the Hotel Plaza, Sydney. The home of Mr and Mrs. Hohnhorst will be Horatio st., Mudgee.
    Source: Border Morning Mail (Albury, NSW : 1934 - 1935; 1938 - 1953) Thu 8 Aug 1940 Page 4

    1941 - [VISIT]
    Mr. Jack Griffin, of Dubbo and formerly of Gulgong, has been the guest of Mr. E. Hohnhorst.

    1941 - [INJURY]
    Mr. E. Hohnhorst was conveyed by the Mudgee District Ambulance to the Gulgong District Hospital last Thursday afternoon. He in jured his thigh and the ambulance was in Gulgong at the time, having conveyed Mrs. W. Harvey, the grand old lady of Yamble, to Gulgong.
    Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 12 Jun 1941 Page 12

    1944 - DEATH
    The death occurred in Gulgong District Hospital of Mr. John Peter Griffin, 55 year's, son-in-law of Mr. E. Hohnhorst and the late Mrs. Hohnhorst, of Gulgong. The funeral takes place this (Wednesday) morning.

    1947 - LOST
    WEDNESDAY Evening, Blue roan Cocker Spaniel Pup (bitch). Reward.— Mrs. HOHNHORST, 69 Horatio St., Mudgee. 
    Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 18 Dec 1947 Page 5

    1948 - DEATHS - Mr. Emil Hohnhorst
    News of the death of Mr. Emil K. F. Hohnhorst (80), of Black Lead, Gulgong, in the Gulgong District Hospital on May 30, was received with profound regret by the whole town and district community.
    Deceased, a native of Germany, and almost immediately settled in Gulgong, where he was still residing at the time of his death. A well known building contractor many years ago, he was responsible for the erection of quite a number of the town's business premises, as well as many other buildings.
    The late Mr. Hohnhorst had a reputation of being an honest, conscientious man and was very highly respected. He manifested sincerity in a high degree, and remained at all times a genial and kindly soul. He was admitted to the district hospital about a week before his death, which it is believed, was hastened by a fall he sustained on a concrete footpath in the main street of the town quite recently.
    After a service conducted by Rev. Howard W. Ellis in St. Luke's Church of England on Monday, the funeral took place to the Gulgong cemetery, the arrangements being carried out by Mr. D. Whale (Gulgong Motor Funerals).
    Deceased, who was predeceased by his wife some years ago, is survived by the following grown-up family: Mr. Henry Hohnhorst Mudgee; Mrs. C. (Flo) Griffin, Walbundry; Mrs. J. (Ann) Griffin, Gulgong. Our deep and heartfelt sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones.
    Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 17 Jun 1948 Page 11

    1951 - [RETURN]
    Mr. and Mrs. Hohnhorst and small daughters have returned home to "Newport", after an enjoyable holiday motoring to Albury and Wymah.

    1952 - [APPOINTMENT]
    Mrs. H. Bisley was elected president of the Infants' School Mothers' and Friends' Club at the annual meeting yesterday. Mrs. Hohnhorst was appointed hon. secretary and Mrs. Sweeney hon. treasurer.

    1952 - [VISIT]
    Miss Dulcie Waite, of Albury, is at present holidaying in Mudgee with her cousin, Mrs. H. Hohnhorst, of 'Newport,' Horatio Street.

    1953 - [RE-ELECTED]
    It is pleasing to note that the officers of the Mothers' and Friends' Club of the Mudgee Infants' school have been re-elected. Mrs. Bisley, without doubt, has performed excellent work as president, and the same can be said of Mrs. Hohnhorst, the capable secretary.