Friday, August 30, 2024


Dr John Torval Skurdall was born in Norway ca 1816. He came to Australia around 1854.

He died in Gulgong  on 23 June 1872 from "PARALYSIS" of 14 days duration. (NSW BDM 7205266/1872) His was the first Mason funeral in Gulgong.

1872 - Masonic Funeral
The first public funeral of the Masonic Body of this goldfield took place on Monday afternoon last, when the mortal remains of Brother, Dr. John T. Skurdall, was consigned to their last resting place. Members of the Abbotsford Lodge marched in reverend order from their Lodge room to the hospital, were they were joined by about forty members of the German Association.
The procession formed with the members of the Lodge, proceeded by a band marching in front of the
hearse. The German Association and the general public followed behind. The cortege moved along Belmore, Herbert, Queen, and Medley Streets, thence to the cemetery. The funeral service was read by the Rev. Allworth of the C of E, at the conclusion of which PM Bro. Booth P.G.I.O.W. read the impressive service from the Masonic body.
The late Dr. Skurdall will be missed by many. During the prevalence of the fever a few months ago, he was much overworked, and being himself attacked by it, his constitution broke down, and when at last compelled to give in was admitted to the hospital. He never rallied and died on Sunday morning.
We have known Dr Skurdall on many goldfields, our earliest recollection of him was at the Ararat rush of 1855. The funeral arrangements were conducted by W.T. Lewis of Herbert Street, with his usual taste and completeness.
Source: Gulgong Guardian, Issue No 90, 26 June 1872