Saturday, September 14, 2024


Two-storey Powell's Hotel behind Souter's Pharmacy
(Formerly Selff's Sportsmans Arms Hotel)
Source: SLNSW


1875 - The Orange Celebration
The members of the Miners’ Own Lodge No 75, held their annual celebrations at Mrs Powell’s Hotel at Gulgong on Thursday evening. The was a great attendance from the locals and from around the district. Apologies from Archdeacon Gunther, Rev W S Newton and Mr McEwan, who were unable to attend. The Rev. T J Curtis and Rev Mr Stubbs lead the prayers. John McLachlan gave an eloquent speech. As did the Rev Mr Swift.
The entertainment was supplied by Mrs Curtis on the piano, Master Allen Cameron, who sang most beautifully, Mr Milton sang an appropriate song, Mr T B Scurrah sang and was encored so gave another excellent song, Mrs Curtis and Miss Glover played a duet, Mr Anderson sang ‘Let me like a Soldier Fall.’
Mr A Snead, Grand Master gave a recitation, followed by Mr D Cassin, who gave a most forcible address. Mr White, on behalf of the members gave thanks to the ladies for their contribution to the success of the celebration.
We mention the members of the Gould’s True Blue Lodge, Home Rule, who came as a body and took an active part in the proceedings. The following ladies from that lodge assisted at the tables: Mesdames James Smith, F Milton, George Court and others. Following are the Gulgong ladies who also assisted: Mesdames Curtis, Glover, Dennis, Arrowsmith, Moore, Hicks, Firth, Williams, and Hopkins and Misses Nightingale, Rouse, Williams, Davies and Strike. O’Neill Brothers were the caterers.
We regret our space does not allow us to go into more detail.
Source: GULGONG EVENING ARGUS, July 17 1875

1876 - Catholic Tea Meeting
Her Majesty the Queen’s birthday was celebrated by a grand tea party; a concert and dance was also held in connection with the Roman Catholic School, held in the large room at Mrs Powell’s Hotel, the attendance was very good. The following ladies presided over the tables etc; Mesdames Driscoll, McGrath, Powell, Gallen, Kelly, Booth, Hunter, J Driscoll, Copas, and Misses Whelan, McGrath and O’Neill. O’Neill brothers gave every satisfaction as the caterers. Entertainment was rendered by Mrs. J Driscoll, Mr G Copas, Master MacNamara. Mr Russell, Mrs Huey and Mr J Deihl.
Source: GULGONG EVENING ARGUS, May 27 1876

The three protectionist candidates, Messrs. Browne, Wall, and Townsend, addressed the electors last night from the balcony of Powell's Commercial Hotel. Mr. Richard Stear, mayor, was chairman. The meeting was very large and orderly, and gave the speakers a fair hearing. Mr. Richard Rouse, of Guntawang, J.P., proposed a vote of confidence, which was seconded by Mr. James F. Plunkett, J.P. The chairman declared the resolution carried. The candidates returned to Mudgee after the meeting, and speak at Ilford to-night.

The heaviest thunderstorm for years took place at Gulgong on Sunday. Commencing at 8, it lasted until after midnight. The lightning struck the Roman Catholic Church steeple, splitting some woodwork, and also the kitchen chimney of Powell's Commercial Hotel, knocking a hole through it.

1900 - Dr. Krueger Kelmar.
This gentleman has been on a visit to Mudgee during the week, and his services have been largely availed of. He will remain at Mrs. Alberts' Hotel until Saturday evening. On Sunday afternoon and Monday morning he will be at Gulgong, and may be consulted at Powell's Commercial Hotel.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Fri 20 Jul 1900 Page 12

A special meeting of members of the Gulgong Cricket Club was held at Powell's Commercial Hotel on Wednesday evening last. A good number of cricketers put in an appearance.
The meeting was called for the purpose of dealing with a letter from the Cobbora club, in which was a request that the Gulgong captain, Mr. A. P. Lambert, should apologise for some remarks alleged to have been made by him at the recent match Cobbora v. Gulgong. Mr. Lambert made a statement, and explained to the meeting why he took action during the play of the game. Several members of the club also gave evidence. Mr. A. P. Lambert absolutely refused to apologise. The following motion was then put and carried unanimously:— 'That the hon, secretary of the Gulgong Cricket Club be instructed to intimate to the Cobbora club that Mr. Lambert refuses to apologise to the Cobbora umpire or club, and that the members of the Gulgong Cricket Club heartily and fully endorse Mr. Lambert's resolution.' In regard to the above I may state that the row occurred through it being alleged that the Cobbora umpire having some money on the result of the match, and not withstanding the Gulgong captain's appeal still kept on umpiring. Mr. Lambert made some remarks on the matter, and the letter received from Cobbora, asking the Gulgong captain to apologise was the outcome of the contretemps.

Extensive alterations are being made to the front of Powell's Commercial Hotel. Carpenter W. Ford has the work in hand, and when completed the premises will look quite new. As Mr. Powell now owns the hotel he means to make it look well to the eye, as well as being more substantial.

A great crowd assembled in front of -- J. Powell's Commercial Hotel on Saturday night listening to selections --ered by an improved Edison Phonograph, manipulated by that well-known traveller, Mr. George Smith. The improvements in this machine are marvellous, and the ---s selections given by the instrument called forth the admiration of --- crowd. The phonograph was ---d at the door of the sample room --- the top story of the hotel, and ---y item was heard most distinctly in the street. Mr. Smith stayed in town a few days, and did a fair amount of business.

ALD. A. E. Souter has in his possession a ball ticket which has an interesting link in the history of Gulgong. The ticket was one issued to Miss Powell (daughter of Mr Powell, who was at the time licensee of Powell's Commercial Hotel, Gulgong), and initialled by the late Mr E. McCullock, who was then town clerk. The ticket was for the grand opening ball in connection with the Town Hall, which was then a new building, the event taking place on Wednesday, October 26, 1892. Ald. Souter, who was then
in his prime so far as dancing is concerned, was with Mr W. Dobbs, M.C.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 20 Feb 1936 Page 12

Mr. 'Scotty' Kinniburgh, of Powell's Commercial Hotel, has returned from a visit to Sydney.

1937 - [NICHOLAS]
Mr. J. Nicholas, licensee of Powell's Commercial Hotel, and daughter. Miss Thelma Nicholas, left for Sydney by car on Sunday last on a visit for a week.

1937 - [BIRNIE]
Mr. Norm. Birnie, now of the Moore Park View Hotel, city, and formerly of Powell's Commercial Hotel, Gulgong and the Globe Hotel, Rylstone, recently returned from a fishing trip to the north coast. Mrs. Birnie has returned from a cruise to the Islands.