Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Nurses at Gulgong Hospital, about 1910
Matron Snelson (seated on chair); Agnes Watt (right).
Source: Photo from Barbara Gurney

1924 - Matron of the Gulgong Hospital Honored - PRESENTATION OF PONY AND SULKY

On Friday afternoon last, the puny and sulky, subscribed by the people of Gulgong and district for the use of Matron SneJson was pre sented to her. The ladies provided afternoon tea and there was a good number of subscribers present. The mayor. Ald. H. J. Gudgeon, occupied the chair.
Mr. A. Ramsay, speaking on behalf of the ladies, said that although they had met with disappointments while collecting, their work was very creditable. The matron was deserving of anything they could give her and he hoped that she would find much pleasure in the pony and sulky.
Dr. Allport said hhe had been in close touch with the matron for the past three years, and he was pleased
that the people had decided to show their appreciation of her in such a way.
Mr. A .E. Brigden. hon. treasurer of the hospital said that Matron Snelson was the best they had ever had. It was through her efforts at economising that the hospital was kept going with the funds in hand. Last year, out of 250 patients, there were only 7 deaths, which was a fine achievement for the medical men and nursing staff. 
Rev G. N. Bensley, speaking on behalf of the ministerial fraternity said that although members of the churches had frequently to visit the hospital at hours not convenient to the matron, it was always a delight to meet her; She had always been kindness itself.
Mr. A, Baldwin said that he held Matron Snelson in high esteem and he hoped that she would derive much benefit and pleasure from the pony and sulky.
Mr. Bootle endorsed the sentiments of the previous speakers adding that since he had been in Gulgong the name of Matron Snelson had been honored, particularly by the patients.
Mr. G. Bisley said that he had been on the Hospital committee for some years and the matron had always treated him with courtesy. It was very nice of the people to show their appreciation of the matron at this time, and not leave it until she was going away.
Mr. J. Mason also said a few words in support of the remarks of the previous speakers.
Mrs. H. Miller, on behalf of the ladies, also endorsed the remarks of the gentlemen speakers.
The Mayor then presented Matron Snelson with the pony and sulky on behalf of the people of the town and district.
Mr. V. Bucholtz responded on behalf of Matron Snelsen, and thanked the speakers for their remarks and the presentation. Matron Snelson briefly responded.
The singing of 'Auld Lang Syne' brought a pleasant afternoon to a close.
The following subscriptions were given to the above fund. The pony and sulky was purchased from Mr. Bensley for £30, and we understand that Mr. Bensley intends donating £1 towards the fund.
Several promised subscriptions have not yet been forwarded, and the money over and above, the amount of purchase will be handed to Matron Snelson: [names of subscribers not reproduced here]