Thursday, November 14, 2024


A serious mining accident occurred last week in a shallow claim near Adams's lead, by which a miner named 'Soldier Fred,' while working in the mouth of the drive at the shaft, was crushed beneath a mass of earth, about six tons, receiving severe injuries to the spine aud stomach. When brought to the surface it was found that he was completely powerless below the hips. He was conveyed to Mudgee hospital next day,where he lies in a very precarious state.
Source: Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931) Sat 3 Dec 1870 Page 4

1871 - [CRUSHED]
Another man has been crushed in the shallow golden ground at the head of Adam's lead, being the second; the cause is the old one of defective timbering, and it is somewhat queer that in both cases it is wages men that have been hurt. I expect to hear of a more serious accident happening in this locality caused by inexperience and carelessness.
Source:  Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931) Fri 20 Jan 1871 Page 4

On Sunday week a miner named George Musfield, when returning home fell down a hole, 104 feet in depth, on the Happy Valley, Gulgong. The unfortunate man lay in the hole all Sunday night, and was discovered and brought to the top on Monday morning. He was in a very low condition, the sounds of the heart being scarcely audible. The left thigh and four of his ribs were broken, and the spine severely injured.

1871 - Another Accident
A miner, known as ‘Little Ted,’ fell down a shaft at Homer’s Paddock Happy Valley. He was attend by Dr. Bennett and conveyed to the Gulgong Hospital.
Source: Gulgong Guardian, Issue No 40, 18 November 1871

1872 - Mining Accident.
A young man named Gough working on the Black Lead fell down a shaft and sustained fearful injuries after falling 120 feet sustaining fearful injuries. His left leg broken in two places. above and below the knee, his abdomen was torn open and his face a mass of bruises. It is a wonder that he lives at all. Dr Bennett in attendance says there is a strong hopes of his recovery.
Source: Gulgong Guardian, Issue No 52, 10 February 1872

1872 - Mining Accident
Another mining accident occurred at the new rush at the Happy Valley south on Monday last, to a shareholder named Haynes and party’s block claim through the whip pulley wheel not being ‘spragged’ when the man was being lowered down the shaft. It is really astonishing how men will through sheer carelessness risk their lives and limbs descending shafts. It is no use preaching caution to them, for they heed not, so we won’t indulge ourselves in offering any further remarks. Fortunately the hospital affords relief for such accidents for which the victims of these accidents should feel grateful and will we hope show it in a practical way.
Source: Gulgong Guardian, Issue No 126, 30 October 1872