Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Grace Morris - career

After Grace graduated from high school in Lithgow she set up a business as a music and dance teacher, operating from a studio at her family home, Wahringa, at 32 Denison Street Mudgee.

1921 - [AGED 18]

Miss Grace Morris has passed a highly successful examination in music having gained the highest diploma obtainable in Australia. Miss Morris, who was a student of music at St. Joseph's Convent, Lithgow, will go to Mudgee to practice the profession. Her parents reside at that town and her studio had been arranged there. The successful young lady is a grand daughter of Mr. Jesse Dibley, of Bathurst.
Source: National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW : 1889 - 1954) Sat 25 Jun 1921 Page 2 and Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Monday 4 July 1921 p 10 Article 


Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 7 July 1921 p 7 Advertising

New Music Teacher.

Miss Grace Morris (medalist), A.S.C.M., L.S.C.M, F.S.C.M., teacher of pianoforte, theory, harmony and counterpoint, has commenced music teaching in Denison-street, Mudgee.  

Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 7 July 1921 p 10 Article


Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 4 August 1921 p 9 Advertising

Dancing Taught.
Miss Grace Morris of Denison-street, Mudgee, has opened dancing classes. Miss Morris, who is an efficient teacher, and who holds medals for all classes of dancing, is prepared to teach children all kinds of dancing, including step dancing, etc. and parents can rely on their children boing efficiently taught. Private classes may be arranged by applying to Miss Grace Morris, Denison-street, Mudgee.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 18 Aug 1921 Page 13

1922 - [AGED 19]


The ex-pupils of the Mudgee Convent, assisted by St. Cecilia's Choir, are having a break-up concert on Thursday, June 15th, in the Guild Hall, in aid of the bazaar fund. Miss Grace Morris will also give an exhibition of dancing. The price of admission is 2/ for adults and 1/ for children.

Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Monday 12 June 1922 p 1 Article


'PEARL, THE FISHERMAIDEN.' Convent Pupils Display Their Gifts.

The expectation that the entertainment by the convent pupils in the Town Hall on Thursday week would show a high standard of artistic grace and accomplishment was fully realised. The performance of 'Pearl, the Fisher maiden,' would do credit to more experienced amateurs than mere children, says the 'Guardian.'
Enthusiastic applause greeted the orchestra in their opening piece 'Grand March.' … The 'Gay Butterflies' comprised a stage full of junior pupils radiant in butterfly dresses, singing a melodious and tuneful chorus. … A distinct 'hit' was made with the comedy 'Laughing Gas.' …. The whole of the second half was occupied, with the operetta, 'Pearl, the Fishermaiden.' The crowning touch was a hornpipe danced by Miss Grace Morris, with exquisite skill. Carmel Dykes also danced gracefully.
Source: Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932) Thursday 14 December 1922 p 13 Article


1923 - [AGED 20] 


In the hands of artists the music and mirth of Ireland were displayed to advantage in the Mudgee town Hall on Monday night; the occasion being the annual concert associated with the celebration of St. Patrick's Day.

Sir. H. Dorrett delighted with the vocal solo 'That Tumble Down Shack,'' and he was loudly encored. Miss Grace Morris met with a similar hearty reception for her clever execution of an Irish dance, 'Hibernia.' … A pianoforte solo entitled 'Erin,' by Miss G. Morris, was deservedly encored.


Holidaying in Sydney.

Miss Nina Dibley, of Bathurst, accompanied by her niece, Miss Grace Morris, of Mudgee, is spending some weeks in Sydney, and is at present the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. C. Withers, at Bondi.

Source: Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932) Thursday 18 October 1923 p 28 Article Illustrated


McPherson Reigns.

The Queen contest is over with it the objective of the Soldiers' Memorial Committee achieved. The contest, which closed on Monday afternoon, left Mrs H J McPherson (nominee of the Friendly Societies and sporting bodies) on top with a total of 10,578 votes. Miss Zeta Smith (rural bodies) was second with 8073, and Miss Grace Morris (railways) third, with 1101 votes. The individual amounts raised by the candidates were: Mrs. McPherson £264/9/, Miss Smith £201/16/6, Miss Morris £27/10/6 - a total of £498/16/. The crowning ceremony took place on the following night in the Town Hall, when, despite steady rain there was a very large gathering.

…Ald. C. Knight presented Mrs. McPherson with a gold wristlet watch, and Miss Smith and Miss Morris with gold bangles, both as a memento of the occasion and a recognition of their work. Mr. J. L. Ross affixed the gift to the wrists of the recipients. He asked the queen to look upon the crown as a symbol of the affection and gratitude of an appreciative people. A musical programme was gone through in the early part of the evening. The contributors were: Miss Grace Morris pianoforte solo; Mrs. McPherson, Messrs. Cowburn and Derrett, vocal solos. Mrs. McPherson and Mr. Derrett were encored.

Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 1 Nov 1923 Page 22


1924 - [AGED 21] 


The rumor that the Morris family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Morris and daughter, Miss Grace Morris, music teacher, are going away is not correct. They state they have no intention of leaving.

Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 7 February 1924 p 18 Article


Irish night in Mudgee - Concert a Musical and Artistic Treat - Old Favorites and New - Songster's Delight - Overflowing Audience

An Irish Jig by Miss Grace Morris, was a popular item, and she was given an encore. Her dancing had about it the finished grace and perfection of the real artist.

Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Mon 24 Mar 1924 Page 8


Exhibition of Step Dancing.

At the hospital ball on Thursday night, Miss Grace Morris and her pupils will give an exhibition of step dancing.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Monday 25 August 1924 p 7 Article


To-Morrow Night's Concert. —
The programme of the concert to be held in the Town Hall tomorrow night on behalf of the candidature of Miss Ivy Rope, is quite an attractive one, and should draw a large house. It will comprise items from Mesdamcs McPherson, Lawrence, Lester, Pettitt, Misses McDiarmid. McPhail, Crew, Messrs. Cowburn. Raper, Pirie, Clark, Matheson Ross, Derrett, and pupils of Miss Grace Morris. There will also be a song orchestra.
Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Monday 24 November 1924 p 1 Article

Some of Grace's pupils, 1924

Some of Grace's pupils, 1924

Some of Grace's pupils, 1924

Dance pupil, 1924


1925 - [AGED 22] 

Miss Lily Morgan rendered a spirited and pleasing pianoforte solo, and Miss Grace Morris' talented pupils danced divinely, and earned generous applause.

Arrangements have been made with Miss Grace Morris, of Mudgee, to bring along her dancing pupils to the juvenile ball on August 5. In all probability Miss Morris will commence a dancing class at Gulgong. The adult ball will be held on August 4 and it is expected that there will be a record attendance. The music will be supplied by Johnson's jazz orchestra.


Gulgong Hospital Ball - A BRILLIANT FUNCTION.
The most important social function held in Gulgong each year is the Hospital ball. It is an event looked forward to with pleasurable anticipation by town and district people, and has always proved a great success. This year's function proved no exception to the rule. There are always a few people who are apathetic towards the Hospital, in fact to anything; but the record attendance at last week's function speaks volumes for the popularity of the institution. The success of the social was of course, due to the hard working ladies, with Miss A. Snelson as hon. secretary. This lady has filled the position for some years with great success. During the past few years she has handed into the funds hundreds of pounds. But the hon. secretary was not alone responsible for the success achieved. Numerous other ladies gave valuable assistance, and they are all deserving of the highest possible praise. We feel sure they earned the whole hearted thanks of the members of the Hospital committee. The hall and supper rooms were tastefully decorated with blue and white streamers, while abundance of wattle draped the walls and stage. Brilliant colored lights hung from one end of the hall to the other. These were kindly loaned bv Mr. Porter and erected bv Mr Norris. On the first night (August 4), 200 people were present, and Miss Snelson smilingly remarked that she had never before seen so many at a Hospital ball. People came from Kandos, Mudgee, Goolma, Yamble, Dapper and other outlying centres and all were unanimous in the opinion that it was the most successful and enjoyable function they had ever attended at Gulgong. Delightful music was supplied by Johnson's jazz orchestra, the members of which were most obliging, acceding to the wishes of the dancers on several occasions. During the evening a fair proportion of old time dances were included in the programme. A waltzing competition was won by Miss E. Avery and Mr. T. Gibbons after the judge (Mr. H. E. Souter) had carefully scrutinised each couple. Other novelties, such as jazz cap and balloon dances, were conducted.
The juveniles had their fling on Wednesday (Aug. 5). Fully 200 juveniles and adults were present. One had only to gaze into the hall to be convinced that the juveniles thoroughly enjoyed them selves and their merry laughter gave added pleasure to the adults present. The fancy costumes were not numerous, but still the judge had considerable difficulty in awarding the prize. For prettiest costume Miss Phylis Britton (Early Victorian) was first, and Miss Betty Mason (Rainbow) second. For most original costume Miss "Midge'' Gardiner (Wattle) was
first and Master Britton (Robin Hood) second.
The pupils of Miss Grace Morris, of Mudgee gave exhibitions of fancy dancing, which were thoroughly enjoyed. Miss Morris is desirous of opening a class at Gulgong and the exhibition given by her pupils speaks well for her ability as a teacher.
The music was supplied by Mr. Gordon Fobin, and greatly appreciated. It is not yet known how the event will turn out financially, but it is safe to say that the profits will be greater than has been, the case during the past few years.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 13 Aug 1925 Page 11


One of the star turns of the evening was the graceful dancing of the, happily named Miss Grace Morris, a young lady who personified the poetry of motion in the Shean Triubhas, and the exhausting encores demanded by the delighted audience. That sweet throated songstress, Mrs. McPherson sang 'Tit for Tat,' and in response to a vociferous encore, aroused tender memories by a feeling rendering of the beautiful old song 'Annie Laurie.' Others who assisted were Mr. Pirie who sang 'Friend 'o' Mine,' and 'Nirvana' (at the Criterion and Alhambra respectively), and as encores, 'Wait' and 'Sing Three Songs of Araby'. Mr. Griffin sang 'Youth,' and as encores, 'Come to the Fair.' and 'The Blind Ploughman,' while Mr. Wilkie's patter and jokes, and the encore. 'The Transformation of Mary,' were much appreciated, as also were the clever card tricks of Mr. Collins.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Monday 14 December 1925 p 3 Article


1926 - [AGED 23]

The Movie Ball Grandest Event Ever Held in Gulgong. Popularly Acclaimed as a Huge Success.

The efforts to hold the first movie ball in Gulgong crowned with a magnificent attendance at the Pictoria Theatre on Tuesday evening last. One heard on all sides the warmest eulogies concerning its excellent management and the high tone of refinement, distinctiveness, brightness and popularity. [more at link]
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 22 Jul 1926 Page 7 See also: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 22 July 1926 p 7 Article 
Spending an enjoyable holiday in Bathurst are Miss Grace Morris, of Mudgee and Miss Jean Kirk [daughter of Hannah Kirk nee Dibley], Kirribilli Point. Both are very musical. Miss Morris' diplomas are ALCM. L.L.C.M. and F.S.C.M. These young ladies are the grand-daughters of Mr and Mrs. J. Dibley of Lambert Street.—Advocate
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 7 Jan 1926 Page 4


A Crowning Success. Church of England Ball at Gulgong. Exhibition by Mudgee Juveniles.

An effectively decorated hall, splendid music by an orchestra from Mudgee, a good floor, a well-prepared repast in the supper room, all made for the crowning success of the annual ball held in the Town Hall, Gulgong, on Thursday evening last, in aid of St. Luke's Church of England, Gulgong.
For many weeks past the work of organising the function engaged the attention of St. Luke's Ladies' Guild. The bulk of the work fell on the shoulders of the energetic and enthusiastic hon. secretaries of the function. Mesdames C. R. Robins and L. V. Caldwell. These ladies filtered into the spirit of organisation with an interest and a zeal that never waned and much of the success that followed was due to their splendid efforts. On the following evening a juvenile ball was held. Balloons, streamers, greenery and flowers were used for decorating the hall with lattice work strewn with rose effect, fronting the stage. Mr. A. Baldwin kindly loaned furniture, and decorative effects, as well as making a contribution in the form of a donation. The gift of balloons came from Mr. T. J. Britten and jazz caps, which were used by dancers, were from the Ladies' Guild. An animated scene greeted the eye as the ball filled with happy couples, and the ball was the biggest function of the kind held, so far this year.
Those present included the mayor and mayoress (Aid. J. H. Stahl and Mrs. Stahl). Rev. L. V. and Mrs. Caldwell. Mr. and. Mrs. C. R. Robins Dr. R. M. Allport and Mrs. Allport. Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ramsay. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Britten, Mr. and Mrs. T. Reardon, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Woodhouse, Matron Snelson, Mesdames R. Niven, E. W. Roulton, Messrs. Max Low, Bligh Low. A. Baldwin, E. A. Drew, W. Allan, C.W. Arnott, and J. A. Dean, as well as a big band of younger folk.
The juvenile ball on Friday evening drew a crowd of youngsters and adults alike and a very enjoyable time was spent. The special thanks of the promoters are due to Mrs. S. Turner for assisting in voluntary music as well as for the very excellent assistance she rendered on a number of Saturday afternoons previously when numbers of children attended at the hall to learn as much as they could about the art of dancing. During the evening Mrs. Turner had the voluntary assistance of Masters Tom Turner and Alick Fyfe, Misses T. Naughton. M.Hensley, and Mr. Ferguson.
A feature of the evening was a display of fancy dancing by little Mary Stones and Willer Pauling from Mudgee, under the direction of Miss Grace Morris, of Mudgee, the talented instructress of the terpsichorean art. In their kilts the littie girls were greatly admired and gave a most creditable exhibittion of the Sheahan Triubhas. Willer Pauling later drew a round of applause for her display of toe dancing. The items by the visiting girls were greatly appreciated and added a wealth of interest to the evening. A word of praise is due to Mesdames Price and Flood for their duties in connection with supper arrangements. There were other willing helpers, all of whom must be gratified at the result of both events.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 3 Jun 1926 Page 14



An examination of some of her pupils was held in the studio of Miss Grace Morris, A.S.C.M., L.S.C.M., F.S.C.M., of Denison-street, Mudgee, last week, in connection with the Conservatorium. The following passes are announced: Rita Watson, Gulgong, grade 4: Alys Wheeler, Mudgee, grade 6; Bessie Randall, Mudgee, grade 6.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 7 Oct 1926 Page 7

1927 [AGED 24]

Miss Grace Morris

In Tuesday's Sun there appeared a fine photo of Miss Grace Morris, Mudgee's talented musician and teacher of dancing, who has returned home after a pleasant holiday in Sydney, where she did a considerable amount of flying.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 26 May 1927 Page 23

Family photos of Grace flying in Bathurst, year unknown

Conservatorium Exam.

The following pupils of Miss Grace Morris, A.S.C.M., L.S.C.M., F.S.C.M. were successful at the musical examination held at her studio on Oct. 4, by Mr. Wilfred Arlom and Mr. Gerald Walenn in connection with the Conservatorium of Music: Grade 4, Stella Winn, pass grade 5, Lorraine Olsen, pass with credit; Doris Gudgeon, pass with credit; Alys Wheeler, pass; grade 6. Ruth Schomberg, pass with credit.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 17 Nov 1927 Page 17


1928 [AGED 25] 

National Concert. Irish Airs and Melodies - The Celtic Genius of Song - Side Lights on Tolerance - Talented Array of Artists
The Irish National Concert on Thursday night (March 8) attracted a 'full house' to the Criterion Theatre. Whether there is a stronger leaven of Celtic than of any other blood in the people of Mudgee and the adjacent districts is a question that can only be decided by ethnologists. But there is certainly a strong leaven of sentiment where old Irish songs and Irish music are concerned...

To the instrumental part, of the programme Mr. Coxhead and Miss N Kennedy contributed violin solos of exceptional merit, and one of the most popular, items was the national dancing by that talented little lady, Miss Grace Morris, and her clever pupils...
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Mon 12 Mar 1928 Page 5
The grand national concert, held in the Criterion Theatre, Mudgee, on Thursday evening, 8th inst., was well patronised, and thoroughly enjoyed. Favourite old Irish airs were a special feature, while the spectacular grouping of a chorus from the convent schools was a very pleasing item. The exhibitions of national dancing, by Miss Grace Morris and pupils, were much appreciated… Source: The Catholic Press (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1942) Thu 15 Mar 1928 Page 37



Now that the dancing is in vogue parents who are interested in dancing will be pleased to learn that Miss Grace Morris, A.S.C.M., F.S.C.M., L.S.C.M., of Mudgee, is to start with dancing lessons on Monday, May 21, and thereafter on each Monday of the week. Miss Morris regularly visits Gulgong on Mondays and Wednesdays. She is prepared to take in pupils for step dancing and ballet dancing, and, in fact all kinds of modern dancing. Lessons will be given in the Pictoria Theatre.

Miss Grace Morris, of Mudgee, now gives her dancing and music lessons at the residence of Mrs. Price, and will continue to do so during the winter months.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 24 May 1928 Page 21

Mrs. E. B. Allen and Mr. T. Amies have organised a bright and most comical Nigger Minstrel Concert Company, which is to give a treat in the Pictoria Theatre, Gulgong, on Thursday evening next, July 19, and at Mudgee and other district centres later. In view of the run of entertainments in Gulgong during recent months the prices of admission have been fixed at the modest sum of 3/- and 2/- (children half price) with no additional charge for booking. The box plan is at the “Gulgong Advertised” office. The programme, guaranteed to amuse young and old, is full of pep and variety. Mudgee artists and the very best vocalists in the Gulgong district will assist. Master R. Dryen, the youthful violinist, of Mudgee, who by request will play The Shepherd's Dance, is the gold medallist of the Riverina Eisteddfod. Exhibitions of classical and national dancing will be given by Miss Grace Morris and four of her pupils, namely: Phyllis Buchanan, of Ulan; Kathleen Porter, of Gulgong; Maris Fitzpatrick and Mary Stones, both of Mudgee. Ezra Pitkin, a new comer to the district, and Jacky Chadwick, this latter the greatest banjo player of the age, will contribute items. Twelve nigger minstrels (male and female) will appear on the stage in the second half of the programme. The company will appear at Goolma on Wednesday, July 25, and at Birriwa on Saturday July 28.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 12 Jul 1928 Page 27
The dancing by Miss Grace Morris, of Mudgee, and her pupils at the Nigger Minstrel concert at Birriwra on Saturday evening last was a revelation to the audience, who all manifested no little surprise at the display of so much district talent. Needless to add, all those present were loud in their praises of the juveniles' performances.
Kathleen Porter, daughter of Mr and Mrs H. A., Porter, of Gulgong, was vociferously encored for her item, the Highland Fling. She created an exceptionally favorable impression. Phyllis Buchanan, daughter of. Mr and Mrs. Buchanan, of Ulan, Mary Stones, daughter of Mr and Mrs G. Stones, of Cudgegong, and Marie Fitzpatrick, daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Fitzpatrick, of Mudgee, were loudly applauded for a ballet and the sailor's horn pipe. Miss Morris herself received a great ovation when she gave an Irish Jig. Miss M. Naughton, of Gulgong, acting as accompanist.
The programme was slightly different to the concert given at Gulgong. Mr W. Wilson and Miss D. Oldfield sang a simple melody, and items not given in Gulgong were: Violin solo, Mr Roy Kent; duet, Master Teddy Gibbons and Mabel Lonard. These items were greatly appreciated.
The second half was a minstrel performance by the darkies. Overtures were played by the Peter Pan orchestra, of Gulgong, as also was some of the music for a dance held after the concert. Miss Enid Dugan assisted with musical items during the evening.—Gulgong Advertiser.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 2 Aug 1928 Page 9


1929 [AGED 26] 

Miss Grace Morris, A.S.C.M., L.S.C.M., F.S.C.M., Mudgee's well known music teacher, will be absent from town until April 9. She has made arrangements to attend the big music teachers' conference in Sydney from April 2 to 7.
Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 28 Mar 1929 Page 7


One of the best local variety entertainments given for some considerable time past, the concert in the Pictoria Theatre, Gulgong, on Wednesday evening, May 15, organised by Mrs J. D. Gormly, proved to be thoroughly enjoyable and pleasing from beginning to end.
There were few vacant seats in the spacious theatre when the curtain rose for the first item, and judging by the applause on the whole the function was highly successful. The recitation by Joan Moras, and the songs by Master Jack Hunt were the 'hits' of the evening. Joan's recitation, 'Do Your Duty,' was beautifully delivered, and Jacky Hunt provoked much amusement and was vociferously encored for such item. Mr Ken Muirhead, dressed as a parson, gave a recitation appropriate 'to the garb he wore, and provided plenty of humor. Miss Grace Morris, A.S.C.M., F.S.C.M., L.S.C.M., of Mudgee, displayed her ability as a pianiste in a classical pianoforte solo, 'Wedding ' Day' (Greig). The item which appealed to the large audience was her dance, the Sailor's Hornpipe. Suitably dressed for the occasion. Miss Morris graceful steps found great favor, and she was encored. Miss Imelda Naughton played the accompaniment. Mr J. D. Gormly caused a lot of fun. In a humorous sketch and a monologue. …
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 23 May 1929 Page 11


The second annual ball given by spinsters of Gulgong in the Pictoria Theatre, Gulgong, on July 2, was a gratifying success. It was one of the most enjoyable functions of the kind ever held in Gulgong.
There was a very large attendance and a happy spirit was in evidence throughout the whole evening. A large number of spinsters formed themselves into an organisation for the purpose of conducting the function, and considerable enthusiasm was displayed. No stone was left unturned to complete the organisation in a thorough manner. Miss L. Howarth was the enthusiastic president, Miss D. Mulholland the energetic lion, secretary, and the following the committee: Misses V. Gudgeon, N. Oldfield, E. Clark, S and W. Naughton. The officers and committee had the assistance of the majority of members and were satisfied with the manner in which they worked. There was plenty to do in arranging the decorations, which were a credit to the ladies. Never before has the interior of the 'Pictaria Theatre been so magnificently decorated with multi-colored streamers and balloons. As there were many new and 'beautiful frocks in evidence, the scene of animation that greeted the eye when the ball was in full swing was most pleasing. The members carried out the catering arrangements, the supper being held in the upstairs portion of the Town Hall, where about 270 people wore provided for in first class style. Mrs A. Gray supervised the serving of supper, and her splendid cooking was greatly appreciated. Mrs Gray had prepared many of the supper dishes, and her deservedly high reputation in this connection was thoroughly well maintained. Music was provided by Johnson's J famous orchestra, of Mudgee. So greatly was the music appreciated that the floor was availed of to its capacity for every dance. Steps led from the floor to the gallery of the theatre, and the excellent seating accommodation was availed of between dances. From the gallery Mr H. A. Porter took a flashlight photo just before stopper, and half an hour later a proof was seen in the ballroom. Claret cup, which was greatly, appreciated was served, Mr F. Akehurst looking after the arrangements in his usual efficient manner. The decorations in the theatre were donated to the committee of the Gulgong District Hospital for its annual ball.

THE DRESSES. Miss Grace Morris, Mudgee, pink georgette; Miss Thelma Hall, white georgette, silver trimming, peacock fashion: Miss Maud Hill, blue silk lace, Silver flower; … Mrs. C. R. Niven, Spring Ridge, pale burgundy georgette, heavily beaded with crystal and opal beads;


I don't know how or when my grandparents met but they both attended this event (below) in Gulgong and Wilfred corresponded with Grace from this same year (1929) until they married in 1934.


An artistically decorated hall, a happy crowd, splendid music, and a first class supper made the annual Catholic ball in the Town Hall, Gulgong, on Monday evening last, September 2, one of the most successful functions of the year.
Always regarded annually as one of the outstanding social events, this year's function was an equal to the best held in previous years. The Catholic ball has for many years past been regarded as one of those functions at which a good time is assured, — the result invariably of careful planning and intense organisation for several weeks beforehand.
There were quite a number of visitors from Mudgee and other centres around Gulgong.
The hall was tastefully and artistically decorated, the newness of the scheme in blue, black and pink streamers having an irresistable appeal. Curled and arranged in lattice design, in which brightly colored artificial flowers played their part, the scheme was particularly effective. Pink streamers were arranged over the electric lights, chandelier style. The stage was set with pot plants and flowers.
Mrs. H. O. Moras, who is a genius in the art of decorating, assisted, by her daughters, the Misses L. and K. Moras, was responsible for the scheme. In the work, these ladies were assisted by Messrs. W. Gaudry, J. P. English, and K. Muirhead. Music was supplied by the Peter Pan orchestra: Messrs. A. Fyfe (drums and effects) J. Coxhead (violin), and Miss Imelda Naughton (piano). The orchestra's fine work pleased everyone.
The supper left nothing to be desired. A band of ladies arranged the tables, which were handsomely decorated with a profusion of flowers kindly forwarded for the occasion by Mesdames H. E. Gudgeon (Gulgong), P. J. McGowan (Orange), and D. Devine (Newcastle), both the latter ladies being former residents of Gulgong. Daffodils, jonquils, stocks and Iceland poppies and gum tips made a wonderful display. The ladies responsible included Mesdames J. P. English, T. Ryan, J. N. Spears, J. D. Gormly, P. Flood, R. J. Gorrie, G. Stitt, J. J. Dowd, F. Price, Misses Eileen Ryan and Britt, and Mrs. P. Boyd, who supervised the making of the special dishes.
Credit is due to the joint hon. secretaries, Mr. W. O'Brien and Miss D. Ryan. Their interest in the function never waned and its success was in a large measure due to their efforts.
Miss A. Mahon, crepe-de-chine; Miss Joan. Heard, orange morocain and taffeta; Miss V. Gobby (Sydney), crepe-de-chine; Mrs. C. Allan; shot satin; Miss K. Lynch (Mudgee) apricot georgette; Miss ,M. Lynch (Mudgee), white georgette and satin; Miss G Baldwin, mastic crepe-de-chene with fringe; Miss Edna Dorman (Dapper), cream crepe-de-chine, silver trimmings; Miss B. Tuxford, rose pink satin; Miss Gertie Williams (Mudgee), pink marlette and pink crepe-de-chine; Miss N. Croft, lemon georgette, beaded in silver; Miss G. Croft, pink georgette; Mrs. T. Amies, white crepe-de-chine, gold trimmings; Miss Marge Williams, pink georgette and silver lame; Miss Wilga Hollow, pink crepe-de-chine and net; Miss Mary Williams, pale green spotted net and taffeta; Miss Elsie Evans, lemon crepe-de-chine and lace; Miss Elsie Cross, black silk lace; Miss Una Hassenkam, blue net; Miss Nellie Oldfield, white silk net and satin; Miss Hilda Humphries (Mudgee), Maltese lace over crepe-de-chine; Miss Grace Morris (Mudgee), black tulle and red flowers; Miss Elsie Clark, cerise frilled georgette; Miss Violet Gudgeon, black tulle and red georgette; Miss D. Mulholland, white georgette; Miss Croome, mauve crepe-de chine and silver lace; Miss D. Roth, blue crepe-de-chine, silk lace; Miss K. Moras, pink spotted net, uneven hem; Miss D. Balston (Mudgee), green georgette; Miss D. Oldfield, green satin; Miss Enid Dugan, gold romaine; Miss Ethel Davis, blue taffeta; Miss C. Heard, lemon, beaded georgette; Nurse Bell, pink taffeta; Nurse J. Williardt, shrimp georgette; Mrs. J J. Lynch (Botobolar), black satin; Miss. Marie Barker (Mudgee), green georgette and silver lace; Miss D. Ryan, pink satin; Miss Reddish, white satin, silver trimmings; Miss F. Gardiner, green morocain; Miss Lila Baldwin, pink satin; Miss Irene Hensley, green crepe-de-chine;. Miss Z. Winter, green crepe-de-chine; Miss M. Harris, crepe-de-chine; Mrs. Tos. Miller, black georgette and silver trimmings; Miss Thelma Hall, white georgette, silver trimmings, uneven hem; Miss Jean William, white crepe-de-chene; Mrs. C. R. Niven, beaded burgundy georgette; Miss L. Moras, black spotted net over satin; Miss Nancy Whale, white and silver; Miss E, Jackson, white mariette, trimmed with silver; Miss E. Fyfe, blue lace; Miss M. Croome, apple green crepe-de-chine; Mrs. Meeks, black georgette, silver trimmings; Mrs. E. Flood, old gold taffeta; Mrs R. Honeysett, lemon spotted net and georgette; Miss M. Lyall, green satin; Miss M. Gardiner, red net; Miss Jean Cross, crepe satin mariette; Miss May Williams, green mariette. 


The following pupils of Miss Grace Morris, A.S.C.M., L.S.C.M., F.S.C.M., were successful at the pianoforte examinations held at her studio In Mudgee on October 1 by Mr Walter Thorman and Mr McMahon, of the Conservatorium of Music, Sydney: — Grade 4, Annie Brown (Birriwa); Phyllis Buchanan (Ulan); Peggy O'Hare (Mudgee); Grade 6, Patricia O'Hare (Mudgee).
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Wed 16 Oct 1929 Page 27



The annual fair in connection with St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Mudgee, was held in the Town Hall on Thursday and Friday last, and was one of the most successful on record. The organisation was excellent, and everything passed off wonderfully well.

MUSICAL PROGRAMME - A short musical programme was presented on the first afternoon and evening, the vocalists being Mesdames K. Kellett and C. Wilton, and Misses M. McDiarmid and E. Thomas. Miss Grace Morris' talented young pupils gave a delightful exhibition of dancing, while pianoforte selections were rendered by Misses Morris and M. Knight. Mr. C. Wilton acted as accompanist in his usual efficient style.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Mon 28 Oct 1929 Page 1



The grand concert given by the pupils of the Mudgee Convent of Mercy in the Criterion Theatre on the night of Nov. 7 drew a crowded house. Both town and district were well represented in the audience, and from the rise of the curtain till after eleven o'clock there was not a dull moment. 

...the insistent demands for encores were stalled off till, at the conclusion of the next item, a sailor's hornpipe by Misses P. Britten, C. Prow and N. Craft, the audience would not be denied...

... it should be remembered that the credit must be shared — as with the performers in the first half — with those who tutor ed them and gave them the confidence that makes for success. This was particularly noticeable in the pupils of the Convent School dancing class, the capable instructress of which (Miss Grace Morris) is to be complimented on the excellent performances of Nancy Craft, Phyllis Britten, and Carmel Prow (sailor's hornpipe), Nellie Lynch, Emily Moyes, Marjorie Jennings, Nancy Craft and Carmel Prow (flower dance in the operetta), and the solo by Mary Stones. The Sisters responsible for preparing and staging the entertainment are also to be complimented on the success achieved, and in thanking them for their fine work, the Rev. Father Flanagan gave them no more than their due. Hearty thanks were also extended by the Rev. Father to the audience for the generous support given, and to the youthful performers for expending so much time and effort in attaining perfection in their various parts.


Gulgong Personal
Miss Grace Morris, A.S.C.M., F.S.C.M., L.S.C.M., of Mudgee, who visits Gulgong each week, will be taking a holiday for several weeks. When she resumes classes early in the new year she will have some vacancies for pupils.


Miss Jean Kirk, of Kirribilli, is the guest of Mr and Mrs W. Morris of Denison Street. Mudgee. Miss Kirk, in company with Miss Grace Morris, leaves for Bathurst to-day.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Mon 23 Dec 1929 Page 6 


Miss Grace Morris of Mudgee is at present spending a delightful holiday with her aunt, Miss Dibley.
Source: National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW : 1889 - 1954) Sat 28 Dec 1929 Page 2


1930 [AGED 27]  

Local and General News
CLASSES RESUMED.— Miss Grace Morris, A.F.C.M., L.F.C.M. and F.S.C.M., of Mudgee, has resumed classes in Gulgong and visits the town every Wednesday.
Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Wednesday 12 February 1930 p 8 Article 
Gulgong News
CLASSES RESUMED.— Miss Grace Morris, A.F.C.M., L.F.C.M., and F.S.C.M., of Mudgee, has resumed classed in Gulgong and visits the town every Wednesday. 
Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Wednesday 19 February 1930 p 20 Article


A large and appreciative audience attended the Criterion Theatre, Mudgee, recently, on the occasion of the Irish National Concert. The programme opened with an orchestral item, and the Rev. Father Flanagan introduced Mr. J. Armour, the new bandmaster, who favored the audience with a fine rendering on the cornet of 'Killarney.' Almost every item was encored, and special mention must be made of the Ribbon Dance by eight little girls, who went through a series of figures holding green and gold ribbons, the solo dance being very nicely performed by Miss M. Menchin. The chorus "Top of the Morning" was another good item, the solo by Miss F. Mills being very nicely sung. The violin selection by the Convent pupils was very well received, Miss Roma Whitford playing the solo parts exceptionally well.
Miss Morris and her pupils gave some excellent exhibitions of dancing — an Irish Hornpipe (Grace Morris) and an Irish Reel by Marie Fitzpatrick, Dorothy Dunn, Willa Pauling, Carmel O'Brien Phyllis Buchanan (Ulan), Mary Stone (Cudgegong), Thelma Swords and Grace Morris.
Dr. Fletcher and Mr. Pirie, who were accompanied by Mr. Leslie Needham, each came in for their share of the applause, and had to respond to encores, as also had Mrs. King for her song 'Killarney.' Mr. Cox delighted all with a violin solo, and Mr. Andrews was encored for his song. Miss Tracey recited 'The Irish Rosary' with great feeling, and in response to an encore gave 'Tangmalangalloo.' The accompanists were played by Mesdames McMonigal, Dykes and Miss Readford and Mr. Leslie Needham. During the interval the Rev. Father Flanagan thanked the artists for the kind assistance and also the audience for their patronage.
Source: Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932) Thu 27 Mar 1930 Page 45


Bathurst friends will learn with regret of the death of Mr. William Morris of Mudgee which took place at his residence Denison Street, Mudgee, on Wednesday last. Although not enjoying good health for some months past, his death was quite unexpected and came as a great shock to his many relatives. Mr. Morris leaves a widow and one daughter Miss Grace Morris. He was the son-in-law of Mr. Jesse Dibley of Lambert Street.
Source: National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW : 1889 - 1954) Sat 28 Jun 1930 Page 3 and Wellington Times (NSW : 1899 - 1954) Monday 30 June 1930 p 2



The following pupils of Miss Grace Morris, A.S.C.M. L.S.C.M.. F.S.C.M., were successful at the recent examination held at her studio by Mr. Gordon Lavers and Mr. Moore MacMahon, in connection with the Conservatorium of Music:— Joan Pirier, grade 4; Patricia O'Hare, grade 5; Vila Bryant, grade 6. 


Fairly convincing evidence of the emotional 'pull' of old time songs has frequently been afforded in Mudgee by the crowds which flock to hear visiting artists who make a point of including old-time songs in the programme.
... this item was followed by a dance [] by Marie Fitzpatrick and Carmel O'Brien (pupils of Miss
Grace Morris) which was excellently performed and brought the first part of the programme to a close.
... and Miss Grace Morris was seen to advantage in a Sailor's Hornpipe.
Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 5 March 1931 p 7 Article


At the examination in connection with the Trinity College of Music. London, the two candidates of Miss Grace Morris, A.S.C.M., L.S.C.M., F.S.C.M., were successful in the Intermediate grade. They were examined on October 2nd at Miss Morris' studio by Dr. Alfred Mistowski. The successful students were Miss Phyllis Buchan (Ulan), and Miss Peggy O'Hare (Mudgee).
Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 15 October 1931 p 5 Article


Miss Grace Morris and her mother have returned to Mudgee after a six weeks holiday spent at Bathurst and Sydney.
Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 4 February 1932 p 1 Article


Miss Grace Morris, of Denison street, Mudgee, has in her possession a beautiful silk shawl which was worn by her great aunt, Mrs Daniel Murphy, of Orange, on her wedding day over 70 years ago. Mrs Murphy, who presented it to Miss Morris, is now 99 years of age. The shawl and its fringe is of pure silk and is a wonderful piece of work.
Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 19 May 1932 p 4 Article

VO: research this (Grace had a great aunt born about 1833 who married a Murphy around the 1860s) 


The dresses: Grace Morris, white satin
Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Monday 29 August 1932 p 4 Article


Mrs. Morris and daughter. Miss Grace Morris, of Denison-street, Mudgee, have returned from a holiday spent in Sydney and Bathurst.

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Monday 7 November 1932 p 1 Article 


The engagement has been announced of Grace Morris, only child of Mrs S. Morris and the late Mr W. Morris, of Mudgee, to Wilfred O'Brien, of Goodiman Station, third son of Mr and Mrs J. O'Brien, of Sydney.

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 2 February 1933 p 1 Article

The engagement has been announced of Grace Morris, only child of Mrs. S. Morris and the late Mr. W. Morris, of Mudgee, to Wilfred O'Brien, of Goodiman Station, third son of Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Brien, of Sydney.

Wellington Times (NSW : 1899 - 1954) Monday 6 February 1933 p 5 Article 


Miss Grace Morris has returned from Sydney where she spent the Christmas vacation and has reopened her music studio at 32 Denison-street.

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 9 February 1933 p 7 Article 


Miss Grace Morris, A.S.C.M., .L.S.C.M., F.S.C.M., a visitor from Mudgee who will give a Carillon recital from 7 o'clock to 8 o'clock Friday has been requested to include ''Home Sweet  Home' and 'Killarney'' on her programme.

National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW : 1889 - 1954) Thursday 11 January 1934 p 2 Article 


Among the many visitors to Bathurst at present is Miss Grace Morris of Mudgee. Miss Morris is a talented musician and dancer and during the week has given several appreciative Carillon recitals.
National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW : 1889 - 1954) Saturday 13 January 1934 p 5 Article Illustrated



MOST enjoyable carillon recital was given Bathurstians on Friday night by Miss Grace Morris, A.S.CM., L.S.C.M., F.S.CM., a visitor from Mudgee. The recital proved such a pleasing one that Miss Morris has been asked to repeat it. The programme was a varied one, including 'Il Trovatore' and 'Faust,' in addition to the two request numbers, 'Home Sweet Home' and 'Killarney.' The latter two were particularly pleasing and revealed the fine talent of Miss Morris. Another entertaining number was 'In a Chinese Temple Garden.' Miss Morris has the distinction of being the first lady to give a carillon recital in Bathurst.

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Monday 15 January 1934 p 4 Article 

Carillon War Memorial Park, Kings Parade, Bathurst


The Carillon recital which by request was repeated on Saturday night by Miss Grace Morris A.S.C.M., L.S.C.M., F.S.C.M., of Mudgee, was equally as good as that which she gave on Friday night. There were two more request items, this time 'The Wearin' o' the Green' and 'Come Back to Erin'. One would say without hesitation that this young lady is a gifted Carillonist. After God Save the King was played, a crowd of people awaited Miss Morris at the foot of the steps to offer congratulations. Miss Morris has promised to give more recitals when she again visits Bathurst. Mrs Morris and Miss Grace left this morning by car for Sydney, where they will have three weeks' holiday before returning to Mudgee.
National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW : 1889 - 1954) Monday 15 January 1934 p 2 Article

Miss Grace Morris A.S.C.M., L.S.C.M., F.S.C.M., of Mudgee, will be in Bathurst for the weekend and arrangements have been made for her to give a Carillon Recital on Saturday night from 7 to 8 o'clock. On the programme will be included English, Irish and Scotch Airs, some of Beethoven's works and the well-known Opera music from Faust and Il Trovatore. Miss Morris is already known here as a Carillonist. It will be remembered that she was the first lady to give a recital.
National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW : 1889 - 1954) Thursday 17 May 1934 p 2 Article
Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 17 May 1934 p 3 Article 


On the programme for to-night's Carillon recital to be given by our Mudgee visitor, Miss Grace Morris A.S.C.M L.S.C.M. F.S.C.M. will be 'Rule Britannia', 'British Grenadiers,' 'Britannia the Pride of the Ocean.' followed by Irish melodies, 'Killarney’ 'The Last Rose of Summer', 'The Dear Little Shamrock', and Scotch airs 'Auld Lang Syne', 'The Hundred Pipers' and 'Robin Adair'. The second part of the programme will include Beethoven’s Minuet in G., 'Silver Threads among the Gold'. Faust, Il Trovatore and by request Kippling’s Recessional.
National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW : 1889 - 1954) Saturday 19 May 1934 p 2 Article


THE carillon recital given last Saturday night by Miss Grace Morris, A.S.C.M., L.S.C.M., F.S.C.M., a visitor from Mudgee, was equally as good as those given by her previously. Her recital included well known national items. Beethoven's Minuet was particularly good, also the operas Faust and Il Trovatore. The remainder of the programme, although not well known by the majority of the people, was, nevertheless, very pleasing. By request, Miss Morris also gave a recital yesterday afternoon (Sunday), which was again most enjoyable. The first part of the programme was of sacred music and the latter of most popular airs. It will be remembered that Miss Morris was the first lady to give a carillon recital here.— 'Bathurst Advocate.'

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 24 May 1934 p 4 Article 


THE marriage is to be celebrated at St Mary's Basilica, Sydney, on Saturday, December 1, of Miss Grace Morris, daughter of Mrs Morris and the late Mr W. Morris, or Mudgee, to Mr Wilfred O'Brien, of Goodiman, Gulgong.

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thursday 15 November 1934 p 12 Article 


A wedding of interest is that of Miss Grace Morris, only child of Mrs. S. Morris and the late William Morris, of Mudgee, and granddaughter of Mr. Jesse Dibley of Lambert Street, Bathurst, to Mr. Wilfred O'Brien, of  'Goodman' station. Gulgong, son of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Brien, Sydney. The wedding, with Nuptial Mass, will take place on December first at St. Mary's Minor Basilica, Sydney, and will be followed by a reception at Ushers Hotel. The bride and bridegroom will sail the same day by the Strathaird for India for a three months' honeymoon tour of that country. Miss Morris will be remembered here for Carillon recitals given by her when visiting our city. Mr. Jesse Dibley accompanied by his daughter Miss Nina Dibley will leave during the week for Sydney to be present at Miss Morris's wedding.

National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW : 1889 - 1954) Saturday 17 November 1934 p 3 Article 

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Monday 19 November 1934 p 2 Article 
