Monday, November 8, 2021


Upon all gold-fields there are to be met some very strange characters. These are generally of a migratory disposition and become as familiar to the miner as the pick and shovel. Of the many thousands who were at Gympie during its palmy days, who does not remember Mr. B. Hyman, whose voice was quite as loud and clear in advocating works of charity, and in vending his goods and wares.

In the establishment of a hospital there he was amongst the foremost. He is now in a wine shop in Herbert-street, well filled with a miscellaneous assortment of goods, and among other things, some very pretty and interesting birds, with which he converses familiarly during his leisure moments. Of a clear evening "How's the baby," comes ringing up the street, repeated by his parrots and magpies. He often purchases the goods of insolvent debtors, and proposes to sell them at 50 per cent, less than he paid for him, and yet he seems to succeed wonderfully well in business. Severely bitten in several mining speculations upon other gold-fields he is chary about entering into them here. Taken altogether, with his antecedents and present surroundings - his energy and jollity - he presents an interesting picture of one of the strange characters to be met with upon the gold-fields.