Friday, August 16, 2024




JESSIE SHIPP, aged 47, died from "CONSUMPTION". Death reported by his uncle, Hugh Cameron of Gulgong. (NSW BDM12096/1885)
Born at "COAST OF AFRICA", the son of Alexander (a farmer) and Elizabeth Cameron.
Buried at Mudgee.


1873 - An Unlucky Digger
The Herald says: In the latter end of march last Theophilus Chamberlain arrived in Sydney from the diamond mines in Africa, bringing with him about £350 in gold coin. He proceeded to Gulgong and on Wednesday last arrived in Sydney taking up his abode at the Temperance Hotel, King Street. He was then possessed of 319 sovereigns. Yesterday he counted out 300 sovereigns, tied them in a handkerchief and 18½ sovereigns for present use he put into a belt which he wore on his body. About 3 o’clock he left home intending to deposit the 300 sovereigns in a bank but he found that the bank was closed for the day. Walking about he strolled into a public house in Castlereagh Street where he met with and treated two women and proceeded thence with them to their own house in Scandinavian Lane. He then had £318/10/- in gold all safe, a gold watch and chain, and a gold ring. They had more drink, he became intoxi-cated and when he came to himself he found that he was lying in the lane, a short distance form the women’s residence and minus his watch, chain, ring and money. He reported the matter to the police and the two women were apprehended but nothing was found on them or in their house. The affair is in the hands of Detective Camphin whose tact and vigilance in such cases are too well-known to be further spoken of.
Source: Gulgong Guardian, Issue No 180, 7 May 1873