Saturday, August 17, 2024


Conrad Artz, from Tallawang was born in Germany in about 1834.

He married Catherine Flaherty at Camden, Sydney in 1869 (NSW BDM 2080/1869)

Conrad's children included:

  • Michael - born 1850
  • Catherine - born 1853; married 1871
  • Frederick - born 1855
  • Anne - born 1857
  • John - born 1860
  • Adam - born 1861
  • Lizzie - born 1863
  • Helena - born 1865
  • Theresa - born 1867
  • Sophie - born 1868
Children with Catherine Flaherty:
  • Ellen/Helen - born 1871 in Camden (NSW BDM 8526/1871)
  • Mary - born 1873 in Mudgee (NSW BDM 13950/1873)
  • Frances - born 1875 in Mudgee (NSW BDM 14763/1875)
  • Margaret - born 1877 in Gulgong (NSW BDM 16006/1877)
  • Emma - born 1881
  • Conrad/Connie - born 1881 in Gulgong (NSW BDM 21455/1881); died 1897, aged 16.
He died at Tallawang on 6 March, 1890. 
CONRAD ARTZ, a farmer aged 66 years, died from "ACCIDENT (COR INQUEST)". Informant,  GEORGE LINCOLN, a neighbouring farmer. (NSW BDM 05932/1890)
Place of death: Tallawang
Place of burial: Gulgong
Length in Colony: unknown
Children: MICHAEL (40), CATHERINE (37), FREDERICK (35), ANNE (33), JOHN (30), ADAM (29), LIZZIE (27), HELENA (25), THERESA (23), SOPHIA  (22), HELEN (19), FRANCES (15), MARGARET (12), EMMA, CONNIE (8) (twins?)


1869 - [CAMDEN]
ELIZABETH-ARTZ, formerly of Brownlow Hill. Any information of her thankfully received. Her step-mother is dead. CONRAD ARTZ, Brownlow Hill, Camden.

1871 - [MARRIAGE]
On the 13th March, by the Right Rev. Dr. Bailey, Bishop of the Free Church of England, Mr. John William Bradford, of the Aginora, to Catherine Elizabeth, daughter of the late Mr. Conrad Artz, a native of Hamburgh, Germany, both of Clarence-street.
Source: Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875) Mon 27 Mar 1871 Page 1

... by Conrad Artz, Pipeclay Creek, on the 4th February, 1873

James Artz ... 0 10 0
Conrad Artz ... 0 10 0
Conrad Artz, a farmer, residing at Tallewang, in the Gulgong district, while returning from town on Thursday night, in a spring cart with two horses, drove against a small stump and was thrown out on to his head, and his neck was broken.
Source: Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908) Tue 11 Mar 1890 Page 4

1890 - [ACCIDENT]
Conrad Artz, a farmer residing at Tallewang, near Gulgong, was thrown out of his cart on the night of March 6, and broke his neck. His body was found next morning.

1890 - [ACCIDENT]
GULGONG, Saturday. Conrad Artz, a farmer, residing at Tallewang, while returning from Denison Town on Thursday night in a spring cart, was thrown out, and falling on his head broke his neck. The body was found yesterday morning. The coroner held an inquest today, and a verdict of accidental death was returned. The deceased was 66 years of age and was highly respected. He leaves a widow and a large family.

1890 - [ACCIDENT]
A sad and fatal accident happened to a man named Conrad Artz, a native of Germany, and a resident of Redbank, near Tallewang. The poor man had left home with a spring cart covered with a tilt and drawn by two horses, for the purpose of disposing of some fruit. He called at a roadside house and bought some potatoes, after which he was not seen alive. Some boys found his dead body on the Tallewang road, and when the police arrived they found that the cart had gone over a stump. The deceased must have been thrown forward from his seat into the road, and it is thought that one of the wheels passed over his neck. Mr. Coroner Wootton held an inquiry before a jury, when a verdict of accidental death was returned. Artz was in comfortable circumstances, and was a temperate man.
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION.
In the real estate, goods, chattels, credits, and effects, of Conrad Artz, late of Tallewang, in the Colony of New South Wales, farmer, deceased, intestate.
NOTICE is hereby given that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof in the New South Wales Government Gazette and "Daily Telegraph," application will be made to the Supreme Court of New South Wales, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, that letters of administration of all and singular, the real estate, goods, chattels, credits, and effects of Conrad Artz, late of Tallewang, in the Colony of New South Wales, farmer, deceased, intestate, who died on the 6th day of March, 1890, may be granted to Catherine Artz, of Tallewang, in the Colony aforesaid, the widow of the said deceased.—
Dated this 21st day of January, A.D. 1891.
EDWARD CLARKE, Proctor for the said Administratrix, Market-street, Mudgee.
By his Agents,—Curtiss & Barry, 167, King-street, Sydney.

1891 - In Memoriam.
ARTZ. — In fond and loving memory of my dear father Conrad Artz, who died March 6, 1890, aged 66 years. Not dead, but gone before.
He left his home in perfect health,
Not thinking death was near,
Not thinking he would see no more
His wife nor children dear.
We miss his soft and gentle hand,
His fond and earnest care;
Our home is sad without him,
We miss him everywhere.
Inserted by his loving daughter, Theresa Artz, Manly.

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. Sheriff's Office, Sydney, 10th August, 1893.
Rouse and another, executors of George Rouse, deceased, v. Catherine Artz, administratrix of Conrad Artz, deceased. On Wednesday, the 13th day of September, 1893, at noon, unless the writ of fieri facias herein be previously satisfied, the Sheriff will cause to be sold by public auction, at the Court house, Mudgee,—All the estate, right, title, and interest to which at the date of the writ of fieri facias herein the above named Catherine Artz, as the administratrix of the estate of Conrad Artz, deceased, was entitled in the conditional purchase following, that is to say, of, in, and to,— All that piece or parcel of land, containing by admeasurement 160 acres, situate in the parish of Rouse, county of Bligh, selected by Conrad Artz, at the Lands Office, Cassilis, on the 9th March, 1876, being conditional purchase No. 40-76. And in and to all the conditional leases, and rights of condi tional leases (if any) held or applied for in virtue of the above-described conditionally purchased land.
To be sold, subject to all conditions remaining unfulfilled at the date of this writ, and also subject to the prior equities or lawful claims (if any) of other persons then subsisting with respect to such land, so far as the same are or may be capable of enforcement.
Terms, cash. No cheques taken. CHARLES COWPER, Sheriff.

GULGONG, Monday.—The body of a youth was found in Mr. Lincoln's vineyard, Tallewang, today, and has been identified as that of Conrad Artz [junior], a resident of that place. The body was fearfully mangled, evidently with a hoe, which was found on the spot. There is every reason to believe that the youth was murdered.

GULGONG, Monday. Conrad Artz, aged 16, was found dead in his vineyard at Tallewang this morning. The body had a gunshot wound in the left breast, and a rifle was found on the bed recently discharged. Indications point that the deceased accidentally shot himself. His brother-in-law, Thomas Lincoln, took away on Saturday all the powder and shot, and warned deceased not to obtain more, in case of accident. Deceased was left in charge of the vineyard.

1897 - The Tallewang Tragedy. Apparently an Accident.
SYDNEY, Wednesday. In connection with the discovery of the mangled body of a foreigner named Artz at Tallewang, a Gulgong wire says that an examination shows that deceased was in the act of removing his gun from under a bed in his tent, when it is supposed that it caught in the clothes and was discharged. The barrel entered his breast below the heart; the lungs were completely blown away. Some of the shot passed out of the man's back. Artz must have been lying on the ground outside the tent for some time afterwards, accounting for the bloodstains there. No other marks of violence are to be found on the body.

GULGONG, Wednesday. A magisterial inquiry was held in the Courthouse this afternoon, before Mr Samuel T Bishop, on the body of Conrad Artz, aged 16, who was found dead on Monday last at Mr Thomas Lincoln's vineyard at Tallewang, of which he had charge, with a wound in his left breast. A large number of witnesses were examined, also Dr. McCreadie, Government medical officer, who made a post-mortem crimination. A verdict that the deceased died from a gunshot wound accidentally inflicted by himself was returned.