Monday, August 12, 2024


William S Hearn married Mary A Berryman in Newtown in 1898 (NSW BDM 8305/1898). Their six children included:
  • William L - born 1899 (NSW BDM 30829/1899) in Gulgong
  • James E - born 1901 (NSW BDM 29315/1901) in Annandale
  • Laura M - born 1906 (NSW BDM 25231/1906)
  • Robert Thomas - born 1910 (NSW BDM 15293/1910) in Gulgong; died 30 April 1974 at Botany (NSW BDM 3642/1974)

Maurice Hearn married Mary N Homer in 2 Jan 1876 in Gulgong (NSW BDM 3389/1876). Their children included:
  • Pierce R Hearn - born 1876 (NSW BDM 15539/1876)



1912 - MR. W. T. HEARNE.
After a lingering illness there died at Gulgong on Thursday William Thomas Hearne, aged 42. He returned, from Sydney some fifteen months ago, and though death has always hovered near, the time for his one and only call was postponed until Thursday last. Deceased leaves a wife and family of six child ren, the eldest being scarcely in the teens; and for whom much sympathy is felt.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 25 Jul 1912 Page 11

In the Supreme Court, of New South Wales. Sheriff's Office, Mudgee, 1st October, 1915.
Stahl and Upham v. Hearn, Mary Ann.
ON FRIDAY, the 12th day of November, 1915, at noon, unless the Writ of Fieri Facias herein be previously satisfied the Sheriff will cause to be sold by Public Auction at the Court House, Gulgong, all the right, title and interest of Mary Ann Hearn, the Defendant herein, of, in, and to all that the equity of redemption and all other the right, title and interest (if any) of her, the said Mary Ann Hearn of, in, and to all that piece or parcel of land containing by admeasurement 30¼ perches, situate in Herbert and Station Streets, Gulgong, being Lot 18 of Section 10, Village of Gulgong, Parish of Guntawang, County of Phillip, and being the whole of the land comprised in Crown Grant Dated: 28th January, 1913. Reg. Vol. 2342, Folio 70. The above described land is subject to reservations contained in Crown Grant and also subject to a mortgage from Defendant to the Gulgong Building and Investment Society No. 3 to secure the repayment of £75, dated 7th January, 1913, No. A1205. Terms Cash.
W. J. D. MITCHELL, Sheriff's Officer. F. R. Stacy, Plaintiff's Attorney, Gulgong.
By his Agents Shaw & McDonald, Sydney.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 7 Oct 1915 Page 21