Saturday, September 14, 2024






1926 - [ANGELOS]
Gulgong's Annual Show - Booths: The luncheon booth was conducted by Mr. W. Blackburn, of Mudgee, and the soft drinks and confectionery stall was conducted by Mr. Angelos, of the White Cafe, Gulgong.

The fruit and soft drinks booth will be conducted by Mr. J. Agitapos [sic] of the White Cafe.

Mr. J. Agapitos, of the White Cafe, Gulgong, has promised to donate a cup to the Gulgong Football Club for competition, as a challenge cup. This is very good news for footballers.

1930 - [ANGELOS]
About 4.45 a.m. on October 26 an outbreak of fire was discovered in the billiard saloon kept by Mr. J. Walsh in Mayne-street, Gulgong. The alarm was raised and the flames were got under control in a short time. The premises are owned by Mr. A. Angelos, proprietor of the White Cafe adjoining. A fortnight ago buildings at the rear of the White Cafe were destroyed by fire and eight shops narrowly escaped destruction.

1930 - FIRE AT GULGONG - BUCKET BRIGADE'S GOOD SAVE. Early morning outbreak.
A voluntary bucket brigade effected a good save in Gulgong in the early hours of Monday morning, when a fire broke out in the premises at the rear of Mr. Angelos' White Cafe in Mayne-street. Sleeping apartments and some sheds adjoining, were, with their contents, destroyed, and out buildings in the yard of the Bank of New South Wales were also burnt to the ground. The fire was first noticed by Mr. S. Hawkins, who was on night duty at Loneragan's flour mill, and Mrs. Wilson, who lives almost opposite the Town Hall. Fortunately, the little wind blowing at the time blew away from the row of shops in front of the blaze. Had Mr. Angelos' shop caught fire several other shops and a residence would have been endangered. Almost all of the contents of Mr. Angelos' shop were removed while the flames were being got under control. The buildings burnt and their contents were covered by insurance. Constables --- and McLean were quickly on the scene after the alarm was given. The fire had a strong hold before it was noticed. Mr G McKenzie was to the fore in the good work done by the firefighters.
MISS C. Tattersall is leaving her position at the Gulgong District Hospital on Saturday, having given over four years splendid service to the Institution and accepted a position at the White Cafe.

1935 - [BALDWIN]
MISSES L. Baldwin and C. Tattersall recently took up duties at the White Cafe (owned and conducted by Mr A. Agapitos) where their courteousness and attention to customers is appreciated.

1935 - [ANGELOS]
MR. A. Angelos, of the White Cafe, left for Sydney on Thursday evening last and is to return within a few days. He has not been in good health of late.

1936 - [GRAY]
MISS Rene Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Alec. Gray, of Gulgong, has, it is pleasing to say, returned to her home town and has taken the place of Miss Parkins at the White Cafe.

1936 - SPORTS BALL - Most Enjoyable
IT is the usual thing to wind up a big sports meeting with a dance or a ball, and so, in keeping with tradition, a delightful function was held in the Lyceum Hall.
To the lilting strains of the Gloom Chasers' Orchestra (Gulgong) the crowd of over 100 persons whiled away the hours until the announcement of supper, when all partook of a dainty meal at the White Cafe.
The large and happy party again returned to the hall, where dancing was continued until 2 a.m., when the multitude departed for home, after a most enjoyable day and evening.
The dresses of some of the large crowd present... [not reproduced here].

1939 - [WETHERLY]
Miss. Ellen Wetherley (sister of Mrs H. E. Wills, of Gulgong) is employed, at the White Cafe. She was
formerly at the Patent Trade Marks Office at Canberra.

1939 - [AGAPITOS]
Mrs. Agapitos, of Sydney, wife of Mr. A. Agapitos (proprietor of the White Cafe, Gulgong), and family, arrived in Gulgong the other day on a visit.

1939 - [KONDILIOS]
Mr. Peter Kondilios, who was a very popular young Greek, recently left the employ of the White Cafe and has gone to Sydney.

1942 - Bridge on Gulgong-Dunedoo Road to be Blown Up
The reinforced concrete bridge over Reedy Creek on the Gulgong-Dunedoo road, which is to be replaced by a new structure, is to be blown up by a small body of soldiers under the supervision of some officers, all of whom are camped near the bridge. The party includes Peter Kondilios, formerly of the staff of the White Cafe.
The Shire Council recently protested against the proposed action and again yesterday registered a protest through the Federal member. Mr. W. J. Scully, M.H.R.

1942 - [KALAF]
Ian Kalaf, son of Mr. Max Kalaf, of the White Cafe, Gulgong, was admitted to the Gulgong District Hospital, having six stitches inserted in a wound caused by a fall on a glass window.

1943 - [CALPIS]
Mr. Nic Calpis is at present employed at Agapitos White Cafe during the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Agapitos and family on holidays.

1944 - [AGAPITOS]
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Agapitos, of Queanbeyan, with son, John, are at present the guests of Mr. A. Agapitos, of the White Cafe, Gulgong.

1944 - [KALIF]
Mr. Max Kalif has been relieving at The White Cafe, during the absence on holidays of Mr. Agapitos.

1944 - [KALITZIS]
Driver George Economos, a cousin of Mr. Peter Kalitziz, of the White Cafe, spent a few days with Peter and his uncle, Mr. Con Kalitziz, last week.
1947 - [AGAPITOS]
Gulgong citizens are glad to have Mr. A. Agapitos back again. He returned to the town recently after being in Sydney with Mrs. Agapitos and family (except Peter, who remained here) for over 12 months, and is again at the head of the White Cafe.

1949 - [KALAITZIS]
Mr. Con. Kalaitzis, who was associated for some years past with his brother, Mr. Agapitos Kalaitzis, in the conduct of the White Cafe` Gulgong died at Kingsford last Saturday. Deceased, who had a quiet and unassuming manner, was very highly esteemed.
He is survived by the following brothers and one sister: Agapitos (Gulgong), Jack (Sydney and formerly of Gulgong), Andres (Sydney), and Mrs. Kondilios (Sydney and Gulgong), the last named being the mother of Mr. Peter Kondilios, late of the staff of the White Cafe`. Our sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones.

One of the most popular visitors to town last week end was Mr. Peter Kondilios, of Sydney and formerly on the staff of the White Cafe, Gulgong. He was accompanied by Mr. Max Kalaf, who is an ex-member of the same staff. Each owns a business in the city.

Calaizoglu, Giacomo known as Calaizis Jacovos - C/o White Cafe, Mayne-street, Gulgong, New South Wales - 2.3.51

[1952 - AGAPITOS]
Gulgong will be losing an excellent citizen shortly by the departure of Mr. A. Agapitos to Sydney, where his wife and some members of the family have been residing for some years past. Mr. Agapitos, who has had the assistance of his son, Peter, for some years and lately of a daughter, Anne, has disposed of the White Cafe after being 32 years in business in the town. 
Many, years ago Mr. Agapitos' brother, Jack (Cafe. proprietor in Elizabeth Street, Sydney), was associated with him in the business. Mr. Agapitos and son and daughter are held in very high esteem in the town.

1952 - [BRIADIS]
Mr. A. Agapitos, who recently disposed of the business of the White Cafe to Mr. John Briadis, late of Parkes, left last Sunday for Kingsford, where his wife and some members of the family reside. He was accompanied by son Peter and daughter, Anne. Mr. Agapitos plans to buy a business in Sydney later on.

1952 - [NEW OWNER]
Mr. John Briadis, late of Parkes, has taken over ownership of the business of the White Cafe in Mayne Street from Mr. Angelos Agapitos Kalaitzis, who has been over 32 years in business in the town. Mr. Briadis has the assistance of his two daughters in the conduct of the business.

1953 - [VISIT]
Mr. A. Agapitos, of Kingsford and formerly proprietor of the White Cafe, arrived in the town last week on a visit and was warmly greeted by citizens.

Engraved items from the White Cafe, Gulgong, 1970s
Source: Colleen Ryan

After the long-running name, White Cafe, the business was renamed the Gold Nugget Cafe.

John Anthony was the owner that followed the Greek era of ownership, some time in the 1970s. He has been described as "a nice bloke, strong as an ox - used to arm wrestle the locals over the counter".

Pat and Russ Carter - formerly a housewife and truck driver - bought the cafe in 1975 and ran it for the next 10 years. Various locals were employed there including Marie Conroy, Vonnie McManus, Colleen Harvey and April Colless. The Carter children were also a vital part of the workforce. Rose Douglas (daughter) said: "We were there for 10 years, 7 days a week cutting and peeling spuds, making scallops and chips, milkshakes and I remember getting a steamer on our urn and making the first cappuccinos."

After the Carters, the cafe was owned by Linda/Lynn and Ed White. In the 1980s it was rebranded as the Saint and Sinner, Cafe de Gulgong and run by Sue and Peter Parnel. 

Gold Nugget Cafe, Gulgong

Gold Nugget Cafe, Gulgong

Saint and Sinner/Cafe de Gulgong
Source: Gulgong Markets

Saint and Sinner/Cafe de Gulgong
Source: Flickr

Source: Flickr