Sunday, January 5, 2025


Thomas Raisin with grandchild, thought to be Gerald.


Francis J Raisin, Frederick and Thomas Raisin were all in Gulgong in the late 1800s. 
  • Francis J Raisin married Mary Sharrock.
  • Thomas Raisin married Elizabeth Allen in Gulgong. 
Frederick John Raisin was born in Araluen, NSW to Thomas Raisin and Ann Mennel. He marrried Emily Kaziah Austin in Gulgong at age 23. 
Frederick, a gold miner aged 35, died 21 March 1901, from "rifle shot wound in head, self inflicted". His children (at the time of his death) included: Ruby (11), Frederick (10), Saloma (7), Frances (5), William (3), Charles (1).

Charles Edward Raisin
Born in Gulgong in 1899. Charles Edward Raisin married Lanoma Madeline Heterick and had 6 children. He passed away on 25 Jan 1961 in Ashton Private Hospital, Maroubra, NSW, Australia.



The death of Mr. Thomas Raisin, sen., which sad event occurred on Thursday, 10th instant, removed anold and well-known resident of Home Rule. Deceased had been ailing for a few weeks, but showed signs of improvement, and it was expected that he would be seen in his accustomed health. On the Thursday evening he retired as usual, and at an early hour on Friday morning his daughter, Mrs. Perry, with whom he had resided for some years, was shocked to find that he had passed away. The late Mr. Raisin was in his 82nd year and was born in England, coming to Australia soon after his marriage. A widow, two sons and four daughters are left to mourn their loss. Members of the family are Mr. Thos. Raisin (Home Rule) Mr. F. Raisin (Coolah), Mrs. H. Allan, Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Whalan (Home Rule), Mrs. Jones (Kenthurst).
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Mon 28 Feb 1916 Page 2

On Saturday, 19th instant, at St. Alban's Church of England, Home Rule, Rev. E. P. Lowe united in the holy bonds of matrimony Mr. Alfred Ernest Clarke, of Tasmania, and Miriam Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Raisin, of Home Rule. Miss Esther James attended as bridesmaid, and Mr. H. Raisin acted as best man.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Mon 28 Feb 1916 Page 1

1918 - Killed at Home Rule - THROWN FROM A WHEAT LOAD.
A very sad fatality occurred at Home Rule on Saturday last, the unfortunate victim being Mr. Henry Allen, an old and esteemed resident of Home Rule, aged 61.
The deceased was a farmer, and was also in partnership with Mr. J. H. Garland (trading as Garland and Co., storekeepers, Home Rule) and had lived at Home Rule for a great number of years. The late Mr. Allen was born at Christchurch (N.Z.), and was a son of the late Mr. Thomas Allen.
The details concerning his death are as follows:—
On Saturday he had just unloaded a load of wheat from a lorry to which two horses were attached. The wheat was unloaded at his store, and had been brought from his farm about 200 yards away. Something apparently frightened the horses, and they started to bolt for home. The deceased jumped on to the lorry with the object of catching hold of the reins and pulling up the horses. But he did not succeed in this, and the horses bolted all the harder. Probably thinking it would be safer off the lorry, he jumped off the vehicle, but was thrown against a telephone post, which fractured his skull and caused instant death.
Dr. Lee was immediately telephoned for from Gulgong. He arrived quickly on the scene, and pronounced life extinct. The news was received in Home Rule, Gulgong, and adjoining districts with great sorrow, as the deceased was greatly esteemed and respected. The funeral (which was one of the largest ever held in the district) took place yesterday, the mortal remains being conveyed to Gulgong, and interred in the Church of England portion of the Gulgong cemetery, the Rev. C. J. Allen officiating. An inquiry will be held in Gulgong on January 10. 
The deceased's brother, Thomas, was several years ago killed in a mining accident at Home Rule.
The following are brothers of the deceased: Walter (Home Rule), John (Gulgong). The following sisters also survive: Mrs. Thomas Raisin (Home Rule), Mrs. E. James (Home Rule), Mrs. J. Sharrock (Home Rule), Mrs. J. Hobbins (Lismore), Mrs. C. Northcote (Temora) and Mrs. Leslie Webb (Leeton). 
The deceased is also survived by a sorrowing widow and the following children: James, Henry
and Sydney (all of Home Rule), and Private Wilfred (on active service).
Private William Allen is a nephew of deceased, and a son of the late Thomas Allen.
The ''Guardian" sincerely sympathises with the relatives in their very sad bereavement.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Mon 7 Jan 1918 Page 2

The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Raisin, of Home Rule, was celebrated on Tuesday night last— the date of Mrs. Raisin's birthday.
The function was held in the hall at Home Rule, where relatives and friends from all round that centre and Gulgong, Dunedoo and Coonabarabran gathered. Mr. R. R. Stinson, of Home Rule, presided and proposed the toast of the grand old couple. It was drunk with musical honors.
Mrs. G. Williams (oldest niece) made a presentation of an easy chair each to Mr and Mrs Raisin from their relatives and friends. Mr. G. Raisin (son) responded.
The toast of Mesdames G. Whalen and E James, both of Home Rule, who were bridesmaids at Mr. and Mrs Raisin's wedding, was proposed by Mr. Alfred Blackman, of "Gundare," Coonabarabran. Mr. J. H. Garland (Home Rule) who was best man at the wedding, responded.
The Visitors was proposed by Mr. Herbert Raisin (son) and Mr. Holliday (Dunedoo) responded.
The hall was cleared for dancing and songs were also rendered.
A feature of the event was the beautiful wedding cake made and decorated by Miss Zillah Williams (great niece of Mr and Mrs. Raisin).
Mr and Mrs Raisin were the first of the family on either side who lived to celebrate a golden wedding.
That there was a great gathering of aged brothers and sisters may be gleaned when it is known that their ages are: — Messrs. J. H. Garland (step brother of Mrs. Raisin), 84 years; H. H. Raisin. 74 years; F. Raisin, 69 years; Mesdames J. E. Allam (sister of Mrs. Raisin), 78 years; G. Perry, 76 years; J. R. Jones (Parramatta), 73 years; G. Whalen, 65 years. May they all spend many more happy years.

The funeral of Mr T. H. Raisin, of Home Rule, who was buried in the Church of England portion of the Gulgong cemetery on Sunday last, was largely attended. The Rector (Rev. L. V. Caldwell) officiated. The late Mr Raisin and Mrs Raisin celebrated their golden wedding on February 23 last at Home Rule, where numerous relatives gathered and offered hearty congratulations. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs Raisin and family.
Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 19 May 1932 Page 13

The death occurred in the Gulgong District Hospital on Sunday last ot Mr. Francis Joseph Raisin, of Home Rule, aged 75 years.
Deceased was a native of Forbes and had resided in the Gulgong district for over 60 years.
He had a carrying business from Mudgee in his earlier days, and also followed mining pursuits. For a time he resided at Coolah, where he had a storekeeping business, leaving for Queensland after selling out and returning again to the Gulgong district.
Deceased was highly esteemed and possessed a good character.
He is survived by a widow (residing in Queensland) and the following sons: Messrs. Thomas Raisin (Brisbane, Q.), Allen Raisin (Queensland), Francis Raisin (Sydney), Peter Raisin (Brisbane, Q.), Ernest Raisin (Queensland).
Surviving Sisters are: Mesdames Jones (Sydney), G. Whalan (Home Rule), Jane Allen (Gulgong).
The funeral took place to the Church of England portion of the Gulgong cemetery, the Rev. L. V. Caldwell officiating. Mr. R. S. Bayliss carried out the arrangements.
Our sympathy is extended.