Showing posts with label mayor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mayor. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


Robert William Heard was born in 1848 (NSW BDM 994/1848 V1848994 33A) to Richard W and Elizabeth Heard. His birth was registered at St John's Church of England, Parramatta. Robert married Susannah Jane Randell in 1873 in the Wellington district (NSW BDM 4189/1873). Their children included:

  • FREDERIC WILLIE – born 1874 (NSW BDM 14625/1874); married Matilda Tuxford.
  • LILLY Constance – born 1876 (NSW BDM 15504/1876); died 12 April 1876, aged 5 months, from gastritis.
  • BURTONE – born 1882 (NSW BDM 22233/1882); died 1934, Gulgong.
  • [unnamed] – born and died 14 March 1884 (NSW BDM 25712/1884).

Mr and Mrs Robert W Heard, 1892
Mayor and Mayoress of Gulgong

Robert William Heard saddler and harness maker in front of his shop, Gulgong, ca. 1872

Robert W. Heard, saddler, Gulgong

Robert W. Heard, saddler, Gulgong

R W Heard Saddler & Harness Maker
Next to Hunter and Co Bootseller
Source: Suzanne Carroll nee Heard

Photo of the Saddlery
Source: Suzanne Carroll nee Heard

Robert W. Heard's Home Rule branch


R. W. Heard has opened a Saddlery at Home Rule opposite Coleman’s store in Main Street Home Rule.
Source: Gulgong Guardian, Issue No 99, July 27, 1872

R W Heard was on the Committee of management for the hospital when it held a fete in January 1873.
Source: Gulgong Guardian, Issue No 148, January 15, 1873

New Saddlery Shop
[Late of R. W. Heard]
BEGS to announce to the inhabitants of the Home Rule, Canadian and surrounding district that he has commenced business at the Home Rule, opposite the RING of BELLS HOTEL, where he hopes by Care and attention to merit a share of their patronage.
All Kinds of Saddlery always on Hand
Repairs Neatly Executed
H. B. having secured the services of a
First-class collar-maker all orders
for collars will be speedily executed.
Source: Gulgong Guardian, Issue No 172, April 9, 1873

R. W. Heard
Saddler and Harness Maker
next to Hunter and Co’s Boot Shop
Herbert Street
Source: Gulgong Evening ArgusApril 2, 1874

Robert Robinson, John Scully, Mark and Thomas Matthews, John Tuxford and Robert Heard have applied for a lease of 10 acres at the Old Gulgong Reef. It seems strange that this property has remained idle for so long, as at some of the crushing more than 2 ounces to the ton was received.
Source: Gulgong Evening ArgusNovember 19, 1874

R W Heard Saddle and Harness Maker next to Hunter’s Boot Shop, Herbert Street.
Source: Gulgong Evening Argus, June 22 1875

1876 - Improved land 
It is notified that the undermentioned persons will be permitted to purchase the portions of land specified against their names. The purchase money must be paid into the Colonial Treasury, Sydney within 3 months from February 25, under penalty of an addition to the appraised value of 10% and should that increased price not be paid with a further 3 months, the claims to purchase will lapse and the land brought to auction:-
... Robert W Heard 15 perches allotment 16 section 38, 80/-; [sic, this is likely to be allotment 16, section 18]
Source: Gulgong Evening ArgusMarch 8, 1876

1876 - Improved land 
F W Heard 1 rood, allotment 2 section 34, 85/-; [Note: listed on Parish map as owned by F W Russell.]
Source: Gulgong Evening Argus, March 18, 1876

1876 - Gulgong Municipality 
Monday being the last day for the nomination of Aldermen and Auditors for the Gulgong Municipality, some little curiosity was excited as to who would be the coming men. One part of the day it was thought there would be a walk over for those first nominated but late on Monday evening there was a number of fresh names sent in to the returning officer, making in all twenty-three nominations for Aldermen and two for auditors, as follows:- 
Aldermen:- C Zimmler, R Rouse, W Selff, J Hunter, R N Collins, C Bird, W R Jackson, G Sharman, M Homer, J Coleman, J Aspinall, H Rossiter, J Tuxford, J Mallinson, R Heard, J Powell, J Smith, J Scully, H Woods, H A Jansan, H Larance, R Brown, M O’Neill; 
Auditors:- H A Swan and W H Walker. 
If any of those above nominated wish to withdraw their names, they can do so by sending a written notice to the returning officer [G Spring Esq] any time prior to noon of Tuesday next.

Robert W Heard ... nominated by Henry Rossiter and Charles Zimmler

...R Heard: I am a candidate for election. If you have sufficient confidence in me, return me and I will perform my duty straight forwardly and honestly.
Source: Gulgong Evening Argus, April 5, 1876

1876 - Narrow Escape 
On Wednesday a little boy the son of Mr Robert Heard of Medley Street, narrowly escaped poisoning by swallowing nearly the whole contents of a bottle of Tincture of Iodine. Luckily the child’s mother came in at the time, and at once sent for Dr Charles Zimmler, who immediately on arrival administered the necessary remedies and we are happy to state the little fellow is now out of danger. This shows the necessity of parents being careful to place dangerous drugs out of the reach of children.
Source: Gulgong Evening ArgusOctober 14 1876

Wedding certificate of Robert William Heard and Susannah Jane Randell, Great Granddaughter of First Fleeters, Anthony Rope and Elizabeth Pulley. Started the Saddlery with his brother George
Source: Suzanne Carroll nee Heard

Susannah Jane Randall
Source: Suzanne Carroll nee Heard

Robert William Heard. Mayor of Gulgong. 
He was the Mayor of Gulgong seven times in the period 1889-98.
Source: Suzanne Carroll nee Heard

The foundation-stone of the Town Hall was laid to-day, in the presence of a large assemblage, by Mrs. Robert Heard, Mayoress. She was presented with a silver-mounted myall mallet and silver trowel by Mr. Geo. Smith, the oldest alderman. Copies of the newspapers, together with a record of the names of the officers in the council, were deposited in bottles in the cavity of the stone. An adjournment was made at the invitation of Mr. Richard White, and a case of champagne was opened, and "Success to the Town Hall" was drunk enthusiastically. The Mayor responded. The hall will cost about £1700, and is to be finished next September. Mr. George Payne is the contractor.
Laying of Foundation Stone, 1892
Mrs Heard, Mayoress, at head of stone with trowel.

Robert William Heard as beneficiary of will
Source: Suzanne Carroll nee Heard

1911 - Death of Mrs. Heard.
Mrs. Heard, wife of Mr. R. W. Heard, of Gulgong, passed over to the silent majority last week, aged about 60 years. The deceased lady, who had been in indifferent health for some time past, was a very old and highly-respected resident of the district, and her death will be deeply regretted by a large circle of friends. She was a sister to Messrs. Thomas and Edward Randell, of Mudgee. To the bereaved relatives and friends we extend our sincere sympathy in the great loss they have sustained.

1917 - Death of Mr. R. W. Heard. - EX-MAYOR OF GULGONG.
On Saturday morning the death occurred of one of Gulgong's most prominent citizens in the the person of Mr. R. W. Heard, who had resided in the town for a very great number of years.
Mr. Heard was 68 years of age, and was a native of the Mudgee district. About 12 months ago deceased, who followed the business of a saddler, had to relinquish business and go to Sydney in order to undergo treatment for his eyes. Returning to Gulgong ill health came his way, and this compelled him to resign from all public life.
A few weeks ago, his condition became worse, and paralysis set in. Deceased was held in the very highest esteem by all sections of the community in fact no one can be said to have been regarded with greater esteem than he was. This was manifested when the news of his demise became known. The universal expression of sorrow heard on all sides revealed the regrets of the community on learning of the demise of one who had figured so conspicuously in the history of the town of Gulgong.
He associated himself with all public movements, always lending his hand to any object for the betterment of the town and district. Perhaps Mr. Heard's most notable services in the public cause was rendered in municipal affairs. He became an alderman soon after Gulgong was given municipal government. That was 40 years ago. For all those years until a few weeks back, Mr. Heard was an alderman of the municipality, and for 9 years prior to the end of last month, when he resigned, he was mayor. In this position he rendered signal service. One of his outstanding attributes was his knowledge of municipal government. His genial personality, kind disposition and gentlemanly bearing were some of the characteristics of the deceased.
The late Mr. Heard was predeceased by his wife by several years. He is survived by two sons one of whom is Mr. F. Heard assistant at the Gulgong Post Office.
The internment took place yesterday. The cortege was one of the largest ever seen in Gulgong.

1934 - Mr. Bert Heard
A native of Gulgong, Mr. Bert Heard [sic, Burton], died suddenly at his home on Monday night last, aged 52 years. Deceased was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Heard, who were prominent in the public life of the town in its early days.
The news of Mr. Heard's sudden demise shocked the whole community. He had been in ill-health for some years, but during recent times had been making a steady recovery and had put on weight.
About 10 o'clock on Monday night he sat reading, when a blood vessel in his throat burst, causing his death within ten minutes. The deepest sympathy is felt for Mrs. Heard and family.
During the past few years the late Mr. Heard was in business in Herbert street, his residence adjoining his premises, and he was highly esteemed, being a straight going, conscientious man.
A widow and the following family is left to mourn: — Mr. Robert Heard, Mrs. H. Rush, Misses Lily Heard, Laura Heard and Bride Heard. Ald. F. W. Heard is his only brother.
The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, the arrangements being carried out by Mr. R. S. Bayliss. Our sympathy is extended.


Fredrick William Heard, son of Robert William and Susannah Heard on his wedding day to Matilda Tuxford 1900
Source: Suzanne Carroll nee Heard

Matilda and Fredrick on their Wedding day, Gulgong
Source: Suzanne Carroll nee Heard