Thursday, August 1, 2024


Henry Claude was born in Gulgong in 1888, the youngest son of Frederick Liszo Fortuna Cicognani and Isabella Aspinall.
He married Essie M Silva in St Leonards in 1919 (NSW BDM 10361/1919) They divorced in 1930. (State Archives NRS-13495-7-[13/13676]-1005/1930)

Privates Cicognani and Gaunt

Henry Claude Cicognani was a commercial salesman aged 26 when he enlisted for WW1 on 24 August 1914. His mother, "Isobel" Cicognani of Gulgong, was listed as next of kin. He joined the 1st Field Ambulance and later the 13th Field Ambulance. He was officially reported as a prsoner of war in Germany on 31 August 1916 and interred at Dulmen, 21 September 1916, unwounded. Arrived in England 23 February 1918 and was transferred to King George Military Hospital, London. Returned to Australia on 23 September 2018 suffering from chronic pulmonary tuberculosis.

Captured Mouquet Farm 31/8/1916 - Interned Cambrai/Dulmen - repatriated to Holland 16/2/1918 then to England 23/2/1918
Private H C Cicognani


1914 - [GALLIPOLI]
Henry Claude Cicognani participated in the landing at Gallipoli and kept a diary about the experience. It is available here.

Mrs. Cicognani, of Gulgong, has been advised that her youngest son, Private Claude H. Cicognani, is missing.

1917 - Australian Prisoners of War.
Private Harry Cicognani, formerly of the A. A. M. C., now a prisoner of war in Dulmen Camp, Westphalia, Germany, enlisted during the first few weeks of war in 1914. He was employed as salesman in the drapery department of A. Hordern and Sons, Limited, George street, Brickfield Hill, Sydney.
He left with the First Australian Division, and participated in the landing at Gallipoli, serving throughout the entire campaign against the Turks. After the evacuation he went to France, and was taken prisoner on September 1st 1916. His mother, who lives at Gulgong, receives letters from him frequently. Private W. Gaunt, who is also a prisoner of war at Dulmen, is unknown to Mrs. Cicognani, and as an extra photograph has been sent by Private Cicognani to be handed over to Private Gaunt's friends, Mrs. Cicognani would he pleased to hear from them.

1918 - Private C. Cicognani - FREED FROM GERMANY.
Mrs. L. Cicognani, of Gulgong, has received news that her son, Private Claude Cicognani, who has been a prisoner of war in Germany since September, 1916, was proceeding to England. The cable was sent by Private Cicognani himself.
The cable message suggests, that Private Cicognani has been freed from Germany by the method whereby Britain and Germany have agreed to exchange certain classes of prisoners.
Private Cicognani was a stretcher bearer in the A.A.M.C., and was right through the Gallipoli campaign. It was while in France that he was captured. He was one of a party working at night in search of the wounded, and while engaged in this work they were captured by an enemy patrol. Before enlisting Private Cicognani was in the employ of Messrs. Anthony Hordern and Sons, Sydney.

1918 - [ENGLAND]
Mrs. F. Cicognani, of Gulgong, has received an interesting letter from her niece, Miss Marion Cicognani, residing in England. The correspondent interestingly relates her meeting with Private Claude Cicognani, who was a prisoner of war in Germany until recently when he was exchanged. Miss Cicognani states that Private Cicognani was suffering from nervous troubles, and added that time would prove a curative.

1918 - [RETURN]
Private Claude Cicognani, son of and Mrs. Cicognani, of Gulgong, returned to Sydney last week. He enlisted immediately after the outbreak of war, served at Gallipoli and in France, and was for many months a prisoner of war in Germany.

I, Henry Claude Cicognani-Chick, of 72 Wolseley-road, Mosman, in the State of New South Wales, clerk, here tofore called, and known by the name of Henry Claude Cicognani, hereby give notice that on the fourteenth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven, I renounced and abandoned the use of my said name of Henry Claude Cicognani and assumed in lieu thereof the surname of Cicognani-Chick; and further that such change of name is evidenced by a deed poll dated the fourteenth day of December aforesaid, duly executed by me and attested and registered in the office of the Registration of Deeds, Numbered 19,725, Miscellaneous Register.
Dated the fifth day of, January, 1938.
(late Henry Claude Cicognani).
Witness,—D. E. O'Connor, Solicitor, Sydney.
1983 15s.
449. Cicognani-Chick, Henry Claude. (Entered for examination as a married candidate and a verified returned soldier)
Source: Commonwealth of Australia Gazette (National : 1901 - 1973) Thu 22 Jun 1939 [Issue No.40] Page 1157

1956 - [DEATH]
Henry Claude died in Chatswood in 1956 (NSW BDM 29397/1956)
* parents erroneously listed as "CEDRIC" and ISABELL
Item No: B146848 [20/6429] | Place: Mosman | Remarks: Occupation: Retired Public Servant (State Archive)