Monday, November 1, 2021



Edgar Campbell's West Coast Hotel

Edgar Campbell's West Coast Hotel
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The West Coast Hotel, at Gulgong, was entered by burglars on Thursday night. The robbers were captured.

A forcible entrance to the West Coast Hotel, at Gulgong, was sought by three armed men, but they failed, and all were captured, brought before the local court, and were committed to take their trial at tho ensuing quarter sessions.

1871 - Burglars Foiled.
At Gulgong, on the night of the 1st instant, after the West Coast Hotel was closed, Mrs. Gless saw a man's arms inside her bedroom window, and at once gave the alarm.
Mr. Gless took up his revolver, and going out side by the back door, saw three men at the window, who then attempted to bolt. He knocked one down, and dragged him inside, and tied him with a rope, when the two others rushed at him, and tried to rescue their mate. Mr. Gless was able to prevent this by pointing his revolver at them, and, assisted by some other persons, kept them at bay till the police arrived, when the trio were brought to the lockup, where, on being searched, there was found on one a pack of cards, three thimbles, two pens, and £1 1s. On another there was found £2 19s. 9d., and a shilling with two heads called a "grey." The window, on being examined, was found to have been forced open with a pair of blacksmith's tongs, picked up near tho window by one of the constables.
The three men, whose names were Graham, Ryan, and Harrison, were committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions.— Gulgong Guardian.

Considerable surprise was created on Thursday evening by the report that Tarrant’s Coach had been stuck up and the passengers robbed.
On the same night three men attempted to enter the West Coast Hotel in Herbert Street, North, but were gallantly met by Mr. Gless, the Landlord, when a sharp set to occurred, which ended in the capture of this trio of house breakers, Mr. Gless had secured one of the ruffians when he was attacked by the other two and the uproar having attracted the attention of the Police, the other two were quickly secured. The men who robbed the West Coast Hotel were named Graham, Ryan and Harrison. Constables Oliver, Duffy and Fitzpatrick apprehended the offenders.
Source: Gulgong Guardian, Issue No 16, June 3, 1871

Lost or stolen, on the night of the 8th instant, from the person of Johanna Richens (male), whilst drunk and asleep at the “West Coast Hotel.” Gulgong,—Six £1 Commercial Bank notes, Armidale Branch; numbers unknown.