Thursday, July 26, 2012

John Wilfred Eugene O'Brien

John Wilfred Eugene O'Brien was the only child of Grace and Wilfred O'Brien of Goodiman. He was born on 21 February 1940. As a child, John did his schooling by correspondence with Blackfriars. In 1950 and 1951 he attended "Johnnies" for his last years of primary education and then "Joeys" (St Joseph's College, Hunters Hill) for his secondary education.

After school John travelled overseas and met his future wife, Marlene, in London. They were married in Sydney in 1963, lived at Goodiman near Gulgong, and had 7 children.




The toy rabbit still exists.



Young Cottoneaster tree that became "The Climbing Tree"



24 March 1946
10 July 1946
19 August 1946 
21 August 1946
John wrote about his childhood as part of his correspondence schooling. The following extracts provide an insight into his life on the farm. This video, from 1946, explains how Blackfriars Correspondence School worked.


My Home - Our place is called "Goodaman". It is nine miles from Gulgong and twenty four miles from Mudgee. We have a very nice cream concrete house which has nine rooms.

Daddy has thousands of sheep, and I have four sheep; they were my pet lambs. The crops look very nice since the rain.

10 October 1945

An afternoon in Gulgong - We went to Gulgong last Wednesday to see a physical culture display. The boys did this exercise, and this one and lots of other ones. 

Afterwards the children had a dance. Then we all had afternoon tea. There were sandwiches, cakes and raspberry drink.


Visiting - Every Christmas I go to Sydney to visit my Grandma. Mummy and Daddy come too. We go in a big train. I have fun at the beach with Jim. 

Helping Mother - I help in the garden, Mummy said I am very handy with the carpet sweeper. I bring the chips on my wagon.

My car - I have a red car and I ride down to get the mail. One day I was coming back and and I broke the axle. I had to take it into Mr Wall.

Shopping - I went to Mr Loneragan's shopping. Daddy and Mummy came with me. I bought a nail brush. It is a very big shop.

Rhymes - My favourite nursery rhyme is Old Mother Hubbard. I am very fond of Mary Had a Little Lamb too. I can not sing.

My Daddy - Daddy is very big and tall. he drives the tractor and likes to do wool classing at shearing time. He is very fond of cakes.

Xmas holidays 1945-1946 - taken February just after John had had measles.
January 1946


Homework - I was seven on the 21st February. Mummy made me lots of cakes. Rene sent me Cool Mints, and Auntie Nelly, a big birthday cake with pink icing. Mrs Niven left a box of Winning Post chocolates in our mail box. Daddy gave me twelve pounds because I am saving up to go to India. Mum gave me two bob.

25 MARCH 1947

A Trip to Town - One day last week Daddy took me to Gulgong in the car, Mummy came with us. I got my hair cut , then went shopping. We had tea with Aunt Rose. Later we went to a concert. We got home at twelve o'clock.

11 APRIL 1947

Flying a kite - Haley made me a kite but it would not fly. I ran against the wind. I cut the tail shorter, it but it still wouldn't fly. Daddy is going to make one for me tomorrow.

Daddy's Dog Rover - Daddy has a big black sheep dog named Rover. He rounds up the sheep and moves them from one paddock to another. Daddy could not get along without him. Sometimes he is a bad dog because he runs after motor cars.

Mummy - Mummy is very tall. She plays quoits with me. Sometimes she makes cakes with green icing and some with pink, white or chocolate.

21 February 1947 (7th birthday)

[Holidays] - Last Christmas I went fishing at Belmont. I travelled from Sydney to Newcastle in the "flier" train. Then went in a big double decker red and white bus. I sat on the top deck of the bus, in the front seat. I used worm for bait one day and prawns another day I caught three fish with bait.

Nesting Time - Robin Red Breast built his nest in our Pepper Tree. The nest was made of wool and thin sticks. A sparrow built his nest in the pipe that runs from the house to the tank. I saw a bird get a feather off the tank stand, and fly away with it to help make a nest.

27 JUNE 1947

The Cow - Daddy has a ginger and white cow named Cherry. She is not small. She gives us milk to drink and rich cream to have with bread and jam. She is kept in the oats paddock. "Moo, I like hay" says Cherry.

Helping Daddy - Every morning I drain the water out of the cool safe tank, Then after breakfast I cart the wood up in my red barrow. Last Saturday I helped Daddy stook hay. Often I help him race the sheep.

24 December 1947 - Xmas Eve


John and Julie at Goodiman
Wilfred and Julie at Goodiman

22 March 1948 - Good Friday

22 March 1948 - Good Friday

22 March 1948 - Good Friday

22 March 1948 - Good Friday


30 January 1949

30 January 1949

January 1949 - Paul Ruby (neighbour from Robert St Marrickville, 
Grace, John and Nellie O'Brien)

7 October 1949

7 October 1949

7 October 1949


May 1950





25 February 1950

12 February 1952 - First "Card Sunday"

Bear Growing Competition - Back to Gulgong Celebrations, 1958

17 January 1959 - 18 years old


Near tree (pink) Wilf, John and John, Jan 1961

John 21. Sun after birthday. Feb 26th, red chair near lounge room tree.

Grace and John, 12th Nov 1961

Wilf and John, 12th Nov 1961

Sheep - 15 Nov 1961

Overseas trip, 1963-64

Marlene Hindmarsh and John O'Brien
February 1964, returning to Australia from overseas trip

Wedding, 9 January 1965

John and Marlene at Geoffrey Andrews wedding. John was MC.

Vice Regal Ball, 7 March 1970

Marlene John and six children, 1976 Gulgong Show