Thursday, October 28, 2021


In 1874 John Hunter turned his shoe shop "Hunter & Co" into the Albion Hotel and moved his boot shop to the shop next door, formerly the Crystal Fountain (you can see the "l" on Crystal). The following year 1875, he purchased Nightingale's Hotel [formerly Tuckerman's Hotel] and amalgamated the two hotels into a new two-storied Albion. He remained as licensee until 1877.

Hunter & Co. Boot & Shoe Bazaar, 1870-75
Click here for zoomable image


TO COMMERCIAL GENTLEMEN AND OTHER PARTIES VISITING THE DISTRICT. ALBION HOTEL, GULGONG. The PROPRIETOR, having secured what was formerly known as NIGHTINGALE'S AND TUCKERMAN'S HOTEL, and added the premises to his own, the whole has been Remodled and Refitted throughout, and he begs to inform parties visiting GULGONG, and the public generally, that he is now in a position to ACCOMMODATE Customers in a style equal to anything in the Western district.

There are THREE first-class BILLIARD TABLES on the premises. The BAR is supplied with the choicest WINES and SPIRITS. The DINING TABLES are provided with every LUXURY. There is also a large SAMPLE ROOM for the use of Commercial Gentlemen.
The Stabling accommodation is unsurpassed in Gulgong. CAREFUL Grooms always in attendance.
The ALBION HOTEL is most centrally situated at the corner of Herbert and Queen streets, and the Proprietor solicits the favour and patronage of his friends and the public
JOHN HUNTER, Proprietor.

corner of Queen and Herbert street,
containing over 200 feet frontage.

J. HUNTER, having determined upon leaving the district, is prepared to arrange with a responsible party, willing to rent the above. It is almost needless to expatiate on the advantages of this establishment, it being situated in the very BEST POSITION IN THE TOWN, and has, and will always command, the Best trade. To an energetic man this is a splendid opportunity for entering into business.
THE HOUSE, having been specially constructed for the purpose, is unsurpassed in Gulgong in every respect as a FAMILY and COMMERCIAL HOTEL. The town and country connection to this establishment is sufficient to recommend it to those in search of a really FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT. THE HOTEL contains a splendid bar, fitted with every, requisite; billiard room, second to none in the district, with one of Alcock's best tables; large room for public meetings, and private rooms for societies and companies; parlours and sitting rooms; private and public dining rooms: 15 bedrooms, three of which are upon a second story, the FRONTAGE having a neat VERANDAH.
There is a newly-erected detached kitchen, with range and every other convenience; good stabling; large, open, healthy yard; four tanks, capable of holding 6000 gallons. The whole of the buildings being covered with corrugated iron, with spouting, gives a permanent supply of water during the year.
The premises will be let for a term, subject to agreement. For particulars apply to
J. HUNTER, Proprietor.
Source: GULGONG EVENING ARGUS - Saturday December 2 1876

Mr. C. R. Young, of the Commercial Warehouse, has invited tenders for 120,000 bricks wherewith to build a new warehouse on the ground lately occupied by the Albion Hotel. This means employment for a number of our local tradesmen.

Source: Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Fri 20 Dec 1895 Page 19